Medium 966a7fad5337c3fcdee7fb7e2cfccbb164adb0be
Flux : 68 GAME BÀI
Sun Games là một cái tên khá lạ lẫm đối với người chơi Việt thế nhưng nguồn...
Medium 8ec1219566cc3181892be6b6a82f11520c4a7565
Steven, Daniel and Troy have a nice chat about fan game slick AM2R and Pokémon Uranium, some weird Pokémon appearing in the Alola region and the...
Medium 860a289c7a39ae32beec6160b787bd5fccb2d97e

Vidjagame Apocalypse 243 - Games Within Games

lasertimeshow@gmail.com (Laser Time)
...a topic that we somehow didn't think to do until a listener suggested it: video games that your character can play within larger video games. (We went for original ones, too,...
Medium 7ac6572a1322551903d6755ab9487d20656d0d10
Welcome to the exciting world of "68 Game Bài". Prepare yourself for a thrilling and strategic card game experience that will help you...
Medium b596d26d441a40a44e20aeff19b4e433443cd193
Medium 5faabdbdb10b45254611aee68b25c7f8c9cd448e

Vidjagame Apocalypse 148 - Games That Critique Gaming

lasertimeshow@gmail.com (Laser Time)
Video games have been around since at least the '70s, but introspective games - ones with a...
Medium 339f7b51847aaa7c92268d1fcd4718fc3cccacf9


wnycdigital@gmail.com (WNYC Studios)
Flux : Radiolab
Inthisepisode,firstairedin2011,wetalkaboutthemeaningofagoodgame—whetherit'saprofootballplayoff,orafamilyshowdownonthekitchentable.Andhowsomegamescanmakeyoufeel,atleastforalittlewhile,likeyourwholelifehangsinthebalance.ThishourofRadiolab,JadandRobertwonderwhywegetsoinvestedinsomethingsotrivial.Whatisitaboutgamesthatmakethemfeelsopivotal? Wehearhowarecurringdreamaboutfootballturnedintoareal-lifelessonforStephenDubner,wewatchachessboardturnintoaplaygroundwhereby-the-bookmovesgivewaytototallyunpredictablepossibilities,andwetalktoDanEngber,aonetimesenioreditoratSlate,nowatTheAtlantic,andabunchofscientistsaboutwhybettingonalongshotissomuchfun.Andfinally,wetalktoMalcolmGladwellaboutwhyhelovestheoverdog. CITATIONS: Videos-  TheImmaculateReception (https://zpr.io/izhV3Sm88SWF)byFrancoHarrisonDecember23,1972.HarriswasthePittsburghSteelers’fullbackatthetime. Books-  StephenJ.Dubner’sbook,ConfessionsofaHeroWorshipper(https://zpr.io/iQUwfF8vGArj) OurnewslettercomesouteveryWednesday.Itincludesshortessays,recommendations,anddetailsaboutotherwaystointeractwiththeshow.Signup(https://radiolab.org/newsletter)! Radiolabissupportedbylistenerslikeyou.SupportRadiolabbybecomingamemberofTheLab(https://members.radiolab.org/)today. FollowourshowonInstagram,TwitterandFacebook@radiolab,andshareyourthoughtswithusbyemailingradiolab@wnyc.org LeadershipsupportforRadiolab’sscienceprogrammingisprovidedbytheGordonandBettyMooreFoundation,ScienceSandbox,aSimonsFoundationInitiative,andtheJohnTempletonFoundation.FoundationalsupportforRadiolabwasprovidedbytheAlfredP.SloanFoundation.
Medium 966a7fad5337c3fcdee7fb7e2cfccbb164adb0be
Flux : 68 GAME BÀI
Game bài đổi thưởng gamedoithuong.vip được rất nhiều anh em quan tâm, nơi đây hội tụ...
Medium 966a7fad5337c3fcdee7fb7e2cfccbb164adb0be
Flux : 68 GAME BÀI
Game bài đổi thưởng gamedoithuong.vip được rất nhiều anh em quan tâm, nơi đây hội tụ...
Medium 231eeaa4468e3a5ff9cace254ece20cd3cd87e5c
Flux : TechStuff
Recently, Microsoft shut down four video game studios. The industry as a whole has seen major disruption this year. And some worry...
Medium 70582aaeb166c053c1ec48d80c5e2e76fec40b63

Indie Games and Game Jams + Jupiter Hadley + 012

+7 Intelligence | Ches Hall | Gaming Enthusiast
I speak with Jupiter Hadley about the phenomenon of game jams and the world of indie games Game Jams How to get involved in making...
Medium 860a289c7a39ae32beec6160b787bd5fccb2d97e
...the nostalgia dial to absurd levels by recruiting Greg Moore for a look at five videogames that, one way or another, were about nostalgia for videogames. Then it's on to some...
Medium 6ac72b003b62ee6c2427312b3e66addedb37b0de

Shell Game

wnycdigital@gmail.com (WNYC Studios)
Flux : Radiolab
...clone. Today, we feature veteran journalist Evan Ratliff who - for his new podcast Shell Game - decided to slowly replace himself bit by bit with an AI voice clone, to...
Medium 041f11843294572bb439693701119f22fa479bed

Game Crocs

Flux : VivaCrocs
Welcome to the VivaCrocs’s Podcast! Imagine your Crocs transforming into a gateway to a new game world! With "Game Crocs," every step becomes a daring mission, from conquering levels to unlocking...
Medium 9626d96871ea5e1e82e4bcd2be665a438b5813a2
Game iwin is a free game application, providing more than 20 popular betting games on phones...
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