Internet PornographyKCRW
Flux : Second Opinion
Typical InternetChris Hardwick
Flux : ID10T with Chris Hardwick
Internet ArchitectureiHeartPodcasts
Flux : TechStuff
In this episode, the TechStuff guys tackle Internet architecture, from the basic components to the complex details of servers, clients and IP addresses....
Internet speakBBC Radio |
Glüme - The InternetKEXP
Flux : Song of the Day
Glüme - "The Internet" from the 2021 album The Internet on Italians Do It Better. When Glüme first heard...
The Internet (WNYC Studios)
Flux : Radiolab
MatthewHerrickwassittingonhisstoopinHarlemwhensomethingweirdhappened.Then,ithappenedagain.Andagain.Ithappenedsomanytimesthatitbecameanabsolutenightmare—anightmarethathauntedhislifedailyandflippeditcompletelyupsidedown. WhatstoodbetweenMatthewandhelpwere26littlewords.These26words,knownasSection230,arethecoreofanInternetlawthatcoatsthetechindustryinTeflon.Nomatterwhathappens,whogetshurt,orwhatharmisdone,techcompaniescan’tbeheldresponsibleforthethingsthathappenontheirplatforms.Section230affectsthelivesofanuntoldnumberofpeoplelikeMatthew,andmakestheInternetafarmoreominousplaceforallofus.Butalso,inastrangetwist,it’swhatkeepsthewholethingupandrunninginthefirstplace. Whydowehavethislaw?Andmoreimportantly,whycan’twejustdeleteit? SpecialthankstoJamesGrimmelmann,EricGoldman,NaomiLeeds,JeffKosseff,CarrieGoldberg,andKashmirHill. EPISODECREDITSReportedby-RachaelCusickProducedby-RachaelCusickandSimonAdlerwithmixinghelpfrom-ArianneWackFact-checkingby-NatalieMiddletonEditedby-PatWalters EPISODECITATIONS: Articles:KashmirHill’sstoryintroducedustoSection230. Books:JeffKosseff’sbookTheTwenty-SixWordsThatCreatedtheInternet(’swork,headtoherwebsite ( orcheckoutherbookcheckoutherbookNobody'sVictim( OurnewslettercomesouteveryWednesday.Itincludesshortessays,recommendations,anddetailsaboutotherwaystointeractwiththeshow.Signup(! Radiolabissupportedbylistenerslikeyou.SupportRadiolabbybecomingamemberofTheLab( FollowourshowonInstagram,TwitterandFacebook@radiolab, LeadershipsupportforRadiolab’sscienceprogrammingisprovidedbytheGordonandBettyMooreFoundation,ScienceSandbox,aSimonsFoundationInitiative,andtheJohnTempletonFoundation.FoundationalsupportforRadiolabwasprovidedbytheAlfredP.SloanFoundation.
Glüme - The InternetKEXP
Flux : Song of the Day
Glüme - "The Internet" from the 2021 album The Internet on Italians Do It Better. When Glüme first heard...
Imagining the InternetEric Molinsky
Flux : Imaginary Worlds
...presented us in the 20th century. But many sci-fi authors did envision something like the Internet and social media -- and we might be able to learn something about our time...
The Internet ArchiveiHeartPodcasts
Flux : TechStuff
TechStuff gets in the Wayback Machine to look at the origins of the Internet Archive, which preserves information stored on the Internet. How does it work and how did...
Flux : Today, Explained
Hasty Treat - Remote InternetWes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about remote internet! Remote internet is an important because it opens up living options to developers as the...
Episode 439 | "The Internet"The Joe Budden Network
Flux : The Joe Budden Podcast
...on not knowing how the money is the same (34:40), and tearing down Spotify (37:55). Internet viciousness (49:25), crediting J. Cole (51:10), Kwame Brown (1:06:30), free will (2:06:25), and more. ...
Episode 426 | "Internet Executives"The Joe Budden Network
Flux : The Joe Budden Podcast
On this episode: Joe discusses the internet backlash the pod has received (10:58), what he has tried to respect (12:52), how he...
Internet - good or bad?BBC Radio
Flux : 6 Minute English
Zong Free Internet CodesAll Podcast
Flux : All best things
In Pakistan, Zong is providing free internet to its users through its 4G network. In this, we will give you the unlimited...
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