Medium aa05bcde3f6712477d533605d754fdeb8799c6b2

476 : la chute de l'Empire romain d'Occident

Le Moyen-Âge dans tes Oreilles
Medium 68212f38f360f9e533463a4959cae3da4079a7b4
...include Battlefield 2042, Elden Ring, Call of Duty: Vanguard, Forza Horizon 5, Rainbow Six: Siege, Age of Empires IV , Age of Darkness, Chivalry II, and more. Over in the news Weta is sold...
Medium 68212f38f360f9e533463a4959cae3da4079a7b4
...about playing Mortal Kombat while getting drunk. The games they've been playing this week include Age of Empires IV , Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, Dead By Daylight, Chernobylite, Microsoft Solitaire Collection, and more....
Medium 68212f38f360f9e533463a4959cae3da4079a7b4
...but they don't. The games they've been playing this week include Kena: Bridge of Sprits, Age of Empires IV , Severed Steel, Valheim, Superliminal, Skatebird, a few games on GeForce Now, and more. Over...
Medium 962a22629ac2301eb18f53cb6b7fa765f2115725
Flux : Geeksleague
Medium 7fa8a922e268d54ea0facee92ce1233e07765b80
...the start along with a chat about Netflix Games. We carefully removed our review of Age of Empires IV from bubblewrap and placed it on the mantel, Ben showed everyone his very late review...
Medium 20fa4bec86e31707c7a5dbbf5229003ffce587a8

Asura's wrath

Studio Carton C
Flux : Pragmastick
...Park : The Stick of Truth, Mortal Shell Fabien : Undungeon, Dota 2 (série Netflix), Age of Empires IV Delphine : The Hex, Psychonauts 2
Medium e7c8cca16737f079038668282536d9af9cab6407
Flux : Kapsule Pixel
Medium 06ec4cb84aee17b95f85fdf42044803d52abddbd
Medium 7bf39eca30dc70906837f0da5d1b7f5dea334be6
Medium faf37cccf3f69b19332ba29c494cc4ade7238a7b
...(11:19) El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (12:24) Forza Horizon 5 (12:55) Solar Ash (17:02) Age of Empires IV (18:50) No More Heroes 3 (19:19) Umurangi Generation: Special Edition (20:01) Pokemon Brilliant Diamond (20:51)...
Medium faf37cccf3f69b19332ba29c494cc4ade7238a7b
Medium c6605d7f833e6405a8005f30fb1a3c9fc680936a
Medium f251fb04a908996a7147c5ad055ad4bc25b0b315
Medium 756479e34efc8ca4906cf744df4fedc2eb59f7e7
Flux : Titre inconnu
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