Medium cfba765ac32e8047717e0184fac6c73d6ab69057
...de cette spéciale années 80 : Évocation de La Nuit de la comète de Thom Eberhardt (Rimini éditions), Retour sur quelques sorties Elephant Films, à savoir, Where The Buffalo Roam d'Art...
Medium f0f688a8b7dddf551f54c9e9d34c745c665689a1

Autour de la 'Dynamique' de Leibniz : Sources, recherche, édition

David Rabouin/Laurence Bouquiaux/François Duchesneau/Eberhard Knobloch
Flux : Philosophie
Medium 3db4eaa877e761d2c6efa6729a3af792d072b37a

Episode 375: 18375 She Will

Classical Music Discoveries
...mastectomy, goes to a healing retreat in rural Scotland with her young nurse Desi (Kota Eberhardt). She discovers that the process of such surgery opens up questions about her very existence,...
Medium 5fbc01512b7af2f0279e4a18300d4459082ba8ec
...life intensely, while accompanied by an electric guitar? Mezzo-soprano Abigail Fischer dishes about playing Isabelle Eberhardt, the inspiration for Missy Mazzoli’s opera Song from the Uproar: The Lives and Deaths of Isabelle Eberhardt, with...
Medium 5fbc01512b7af2f0279e4a18300d4459082ba8ec
...life intensely, while accompanied by an electric guitar? Mezzo-soprano Abigail Fischer dishes about playing Isabelle Eberhardt, the inspiration for Missy Mazzoli’s opera Song from the Uproar: The Lives and Deaths of Isabelle Eberhardt, with...
Medium fbeae415b2b296aef399fa023335e909678bd765
Flux : Science Vs
...do any of them work? To find out we speak with social psychologist Prof. Jennifer Eberhardt, psychologist Prof. Phillip Atiba Goff, public policy expert Dr. David Yokum, criminologists Dr. Lois James,...
Medium 5b397fcb95e759fc3232c0447573709b8fff2ce4
Medium 51415fd1b9f5dfcd0acee7235664bea19cd5761c
...créer ces synchronicités et nous nous sommes penchées sur la Conscience. Le site de Claire Eberhardt   Le livre Hypnose Humaniste d'Olivier Lockert   Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus...
Medium 54cd8e4ed9ae42bf896ad747915e28224298237c
...out her show Mechanical Breakdown, Friday nights/Saturday mornings from 1-3 AM PT.  Cleveland-based musician Nate Eberhardt explores the gamut of genres, first through hip-hop and punk rock, but now, with his...
Medium 6979011f450a7f71f56846028d086c7df50b936f
Flux : Woman's Hour
...celebrating. In her new book Biased - The New Science of Race and Inequality, Jennifer Eberhardt, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, draws on years of research looking at how unconscious...
Medium 54cd8e4ed9ae42bf896ad747915e28224298237c
...out her show Mechanical Breakdown, Friday nights/Saturday mornings from 1-3 AM PT.  Cleveland-based musician Nate Eberhardt explores the gamut of genres, first through hip-hop and punk rock, but now, with his...
Medium b0c682683d8d34dd55b4d6fd13ec06147ca4b08d
Flux : SpyCast
Medium ceaeaf78b0579796b2ed0aeeecae65eb86b00356

Comment Elon Musk a construit Tesla ? - Ep 3

Laurent Brouat | Les Talents Narratifs
Medium 94ae35c516396bde3283e5d9c2b52228f4d74b3a
...A Real Lonely Night Warren Haynes Man In Motion Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues Cliff Eberhardt Nod To Bob 2
Medium 849d29c1a5e4aa702400f13455b9549c0ee67d22
...la folie, de Virginie Ollagnier-Jouvray et Carole Maurel (Editions Glénat) Les espionnes racontent, de Chloé Aeberhardt et Aurélie Pollet (Steinkis Editions) Et aussi : Culottées, de Pénélope Bagieu (Gallimard BD) Ni...
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