Medium 424749e9616c80f82e1088fa3db70613f853ba22
Flux : C dans l'air
Medium 231eeaa4468e3a5ff9cace254ece20cd3cd87e5c
Flux : TechStuff
Medium f49155cb9e7772c01c8afcd9855b0cd07a5a6a03
Medium ab3ece108995430dad047cf966196d993ebcece9
Medium ab3ece108995430dad047cf966196d993ebcece9
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
...War. One philosopher, Elizabeth Anscombe (1919 – 2001), objected strongly. She argued that although dropping nuclear bomb s on Hiroshima and Nagasaki may have ended the fighting, it amounted to the murder...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a

Nuclear Physics

BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a

New Wars

BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
...“nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means”. But after the nuclear bomb , the Cold War and the brutal and perplexing recent wars in Africa and Eastern...
Medium 75f76ee322f156affd3d18da7b9e0676f6c2ff83
Medium bf4008e8d004895afae37c9d9fd5534a7a8d02da
Medium 6fd38c3c086a2e3b245ef0708d4100082d363476

#650: Why People Are Building Bunkers for the Apocalypse

contact@artofmanliness.com (The Art of Manliness)
...right now, and people aren't just burrowing into the earth to protect themselves from a nuclear bomb . My guest today traveled across four continents to explore what's driving this phenomenon and...
Medium f00ca00d2eef86c6def2a411d584985d570e1e5b
Flux : En 5 minutes
Medium 4149e614d85d024a2b737fbf65c8f01d55263360
ROUND 1: Our friends the Russian Orthodox ministers are blessing babies, marriages, and now… NUCLEAR BOMB S. Good idea or bad idea??? ROUND 2: We’ve all been in staring contests, but...
Medium 4149e614d85d024a2b737fbf65c8f01d55263360
...unusual way. Honey, you wont believe it. Round 6: President Trump reportedly wanted to use nuclear bomb s to destroy hurricanes. We don't believe the story is true but we are gonna...
résultats 1 - 15 sur 66 au total
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