Medium 5e3cd7371e0e1d4e25e433ac7a1da2277288614b
...American shaolin - Lucas Lowe (1991) Le cercle de Feu - Richard W. Munchkin  (1991) Universal Soldier - Roland Emmerich (1992) Shootfighter - Patrick Alan (1993) Mortal kombat - Paul W.S. Anderson...
Medium 9b781a61a0b3de208a0d461181d3225884c2e208
Medium b0bd28637632bd8a1ceae5941ff08788d2c3371f

Dolph Lundren

Tony Tellado
Flux : Sci-Fi Talk
Actor spoke to me from Sweden about returning to his role as the Universal Soldier in Regeneration plus his directing career and reuniting with a former Rocky IV co-star. Subscribe...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
Medium fcc1275f4eba9a4ac9b597bf71d07f1d04435c02

VDE#54 - Adkins le plus

Benjamin Chambon
Van Damme Express x Adkins le plus [00:00] Adkins le plus: Universal Soldier Day of Reckoning (John Hyams) [20:10] Adkins le plus: El Gringo (Eduardo Rodriiiiiigueeeez) [34:05] Adkins...
Medium f49155cb9e7772c01c8afcd9855b0cd07a5a6a03
Medium c125996751a5121425bfa38d00a8c933bc5e98c5
...Linda Seger has consulted on over 2000 screenplays and over 100 produced films and television shows including  Universal Soldier , The Neverending Story II, Luther, The Bridge (miniseries,) etc. Take a listen to this master class on screenwriting...
Medium c125996751a5121425bfa38d00a8c933bc5e98c5
Medium c125996751a5121425bfa38d00a8c933bc5e98c5
...the consultant for Peter Jackson’s breakthrough film, Brain Dead and for Roland Emmerich’s breakthrough film, Universal Soldier . She was the script consultant on Pasttime and Picture Bride–both winners of the Audience...
Medium c6b19694d81c745f631173bd2b91db2c96a0f7ce
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a

Wilfred Owen

BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a

The Long March

BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
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