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Jean Luc Verna HT

Jean Luc Verna HT
• 🇭🇹 DJ | Producer • Booking Info 👉🏽 : jlvm…
• 🇭🇹 DJ | Producer • Booking Info 👉🏽 : jlvmusicent@gmail.com
Medium 4e7a27c1dd923eac55bffd1d0bc2792eafad7063

Club JDR

Jean Michel Abrassart
Enregistrement audio de parties de jeux de rôles.
Enregistrement audio de parties de jeux de rôles, principalement de l'Appel de Cthulhu (mais pas seulement)
Medium 4e7a27c1dd923eac55bffd1d0bc2792eafad7063

Par-delà (& autres)

Jean Michel Abrassart
Enregistrement audio de parties de jeux de rôles.
Enregistrement audio de parties de jeux de rôles, principalement de l'Appel de Cthulhu (mais pas seulement)
Medium 913d7307fe8f2ab0ffad9d437509d8d8787882da
Une goétie Black Métal issue de l'Arctique sauvage...
Chaque semaine, à partir de la toundra dans un bunker datant de la Guerre froide, l’animateur NAFRE propose des thématiques qui exposent ce sous-genre du métal extrême. Musiques païennes, dénonciations misanthropiques, mutations esthétiques et primitivisme total servent de points de repère dans cette quête farouche et malsaine. Vous y entendrez de terribles révélations, qui brutalement se heurtent au problème de l'existence et à la froide vérité de la nature. Une exploration radiophonique que pour les plus enhardis… (Aussi diffusé par les stations de : CFRT 107,3 Iqaluit, Radio Taïga CIVR 103,5, CJMD 96,9 Lévis, CKUM 93.5 Codiac; CJPN 90 Fredericton, CHQC 105 Saint-Jean; CKMA 93 Miramichi, CHMA 106.9 Mount Allison University, CFRG 93,1 Gravelbourg, CJUM 101,5 University of Manitoba, CKUW 95,9 University of Winnipeg, CHMR 93,5 Saint-Jean-de-Terre-Neuve, CKLU 96,7 Laurentian University, Caper Radio CJBU 107,3 de la Cape Breton University à Sidney et RadioQuebec.biz).
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Playing the very best in unsigned and new music this is The Fresh Unsigned Radio Show. I play bands from the UK and around the world. I also feature band videos. I'm always on the look out for new bands and singer songwriters to take part on the show. If you would like to have a track play listed for FREE drop me an Mp3 with info or Press Pack to deanjamesfreshunsigned@hotmail.co.uk Please ensure you own all copyright to your music and are happy with me playing on the show. I'm looking for indie, rock, pop punk, ska, gothic, psychedelic and acoustic bands/singer songwriters. Record labels are welcome to submit bands check out the links page for full list.Fresh Unsigned also goes out via Oystermouth Radio www.oystermouthradio.com For more info check out www.freshunsigned.webs.com or you can follow Fresh Unsigned on www.twitter.com/freshunsigned Enjoy the show. 


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Jean Rook

BBC Radio 4
...the highest-paid woman journalist in Britain - one of a disappearing species. The star columnist Jean Rook has shared her life for eighteen years with the millions of readers of her...
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Jean Villepique

shows@maximumfun.org (Maximum Fun)
...how better to celebrate than with one JV chit-chatting with another JV (the simply fantastic Jean Villepique)? With stories from a tall girl with big dreams from a small town in...
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Marianne Jean-Baptiste is a classically trained actor who has over 50 credits to her name, including Secrets...
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Jean-Baptiste Lully

Jean-Baptistle Lully is perhaps best known for the unusual circumstances of his death. But he lived...
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Flux : Bookworm
...Abroad (Dalkey Archive); Running Away (Dalkey Archive) French fiction had become austere and theoretical until Jean-Philippe Toussaint took it in the direction of the wacky, even goony. His earlier stories focused...
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Billie Jean King

BBC Radio 4
Billie Jean King won 39 Grand Slams and a total of 20 Wimbledon titles and is regarded...
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Today on A Waste of Time with ItsTheReal, we welcome the legend Wyclef Jean to the Upper West Side. In a wide-ranging conversation, we talk about his collaborations with...
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In this week's episode, we're featuring Jean Shepard's return to form: "Slippin' Away" (1973). Absent from the Top 5 since 1964, Shepard...
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Professor Jean Golding is an epidemiologist who is best known for founding the Children of the Nineties...
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Episode 127: Jean + Kate

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
...episode of Let’s Eat In, Cathy Erway is joined in the HRN shipping containers by Jean Devine and Kate Suhr! Jean and Kate make delicious granola and beautiful ceramics at The...
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Episode 95 features a visit with "guitar coach to the stars" JEAN MARC BELKADI. Showing up with his favorite Telecaster, Jean Marc plugs in with host JUDE...
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MBMBaM 659: Dom Jeans

shows@maximumfun.org (Griffin McElroy, Travis McElroy, Justin McElroy)
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Emma-Jean Thackray - "Say Something," a 2021 single on Movementt. An active artist and producer in South...
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Nardwuar vs Jean Chretien 2007 !

CiTR & Discorder Magazine
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Flux : Bach to Bock
We get to sit down with the one and only Carla Jean Lauter, otherwise known as The Beer Babe! We just joined the legions of fans who...