

Medium 129f268b19646f4af9482dbbed232f63dd824e52


Les coulisses de l'industrie du jeu vidéo
Qui sont ces personnes qui font nos jeux vidéo préférées ? Comment fonctionne cette industrie ? Vous l'avez compris, PATTERN s'intéresse aux coulisses de l'industrie du jeu vidéo, aux métiers des developpeurs et au quotidien des studios de développement. Au programme, interviews et débats avec des professionnels passionnés et pertinents, issus d'horizons aussi larges que variés, de la scène indé' jusqu'aux poids lourds de l'industrie.
Mots-clefs : ...vidéo,game design,talkshow,débat,game dev,jeu indé,studio indé,games,video...
Medium d7108421bf4ea01efbce64e8f6ba767bbe66caf1
Le Millenium Dance Club, c'est le rendez-vous 100% clubbing de 3 heures du samedi. Montez sur le dancefloor !
Millenium Dance Club, tous les samedi dès 16H avec Aurélien et Jérémie sur Millenium FM
Medium 9ec1b1ea921e1ca38d6421d1b815daf0e3ccc097


Dav LaGrohl
Le podcast subjectif et subversif 100% Xbox
Le podcast gaming français 100% dédié à l'écosystème Xbox en mode narratif. Reviews, dossiers et bonne humeur au rendez-vous.
Medium 848ad99210f97a39510d42a9e26fc724db9d93a5

Podcast d’intérêt variable

Samuel Blanchard et Benjamin Launay
Causerie au coin du feu entre potes (on cause Dev et Design des fois)
Benjamin et Samuel vous propose une causerie au coin du feu sur des sujets d’intérêt incroyablement variable. On est développeur et designer aussi.
Mots-clefs : causerie,design,developpement,truc
Medium b693613da450780a357d6cca44d5c5467cc2b2a7


Votre évolution est ici...
Écoutez ce qui va vous faire évoluer à travers du développement personnel, de la technologie, des méthodes de travail. Chaque podcast contient des actions concrètes et applicables.
Mots-clefs : dev perso,technologie,business


Medium 7c611222988c1a91af101f3f018b89970405ab9b

SFF96: Devs

Den of Geek
...Garland, who is known for films like Ex Machina and Annihilation, is the creator behind Devs, a series on Hulu that features his trademark obsessed tech guru that has let his...
Medium da13f6e66266675206bf73940ee52f54cd0919eb

Advice for New Devs

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes talk about advice for new devs, our advice and opinions for how new devs can level up. Sanity - Sponsor Sanity.io is...
Medium 52810e7a6103b118888d1cd0b99b29642d0c98bd
...today! Sponsors: Convex – Convex is a better type of backend — the full-stack TypeScript development platform that lets you replace your database, server functions, and glue code. Get started at...
Medium 52810e7a6103b118888d1cd0b99b29642d0c98bd

Generative AI for devs

Changelog Media
...then go into experiences they’ve had, how to get started working with it as a developer, and where they think it will and will not be useful in the near future....
Medium 4bbc22cece93ab59346aa25699393b0e57a3c0d2

Spooky Web Dev Stories 2022

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
In this episode of Syntax, Wes and Scott tell your spookiest scary web dev stories including spooky render times, push notification hell, dark Friday, and more! Sentry - Sponsor...
Medium 4bbc22cece93ab59346aa25699393b0e57a3c0d2

Our Web Dev Wish List

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
In this episode of Syntax, Wes and Scott talk through their web dev wish list of things they want to just work already! Linode - Sponsor Whether you’re...
Medium da13f6e66266675206bf73940ee52f54cd0919eb

Horror Web Dev Stories - 2021

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
For episode 400, Scott and Wes talk about web dev horror stories - 2021 edition! LogRocket - Sponsor LogRocket lets you replay what users do...
Medium da13f6e66266675206bf73940ee52f54cd0919eb

Dev Tools Power — Elements Tab

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes talk about the Dev Tools Elements Tab — all the features, and when you would use them! Linode -...
Medium f9fe84d4483f7dd4fabe0e9404884ee3ce7dd808

Spooky Web Dev Horror Stories

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes talk about web dev horror stories — things you can only hope will never happen to you! LogRocket -...
Medium 132bbf52c71b95dc650ace27427628ada94a2bdb

Dev Environments - Calvin Hendryx-Parker

will@wsvincent.com (Will Vincent)
Flux : Django Chat
Medium fc8139302cc8c55670d391342242bbb6751165db
Dev Hynes, the recording artist behind Blood Orange, joins Bullseye to talk about his music career....
Medium 52810e7a6103b118888d1cd0b99b29642d0c98bd
The gang talks about thier favorite software and hardware as developers. Brian Douglas joins to share his unique and open GitHub Actions flow. Join the discussion...
Medium 52810e7a6103b118888d1cd0b99b29642d0c98bd

3D web game dev jam!

Changelog Media
...Show Notes: React Jam Disco-Warrior Cooper & Onita: Midnight Snack React Three Fiber Web Game Dev Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Medium 4bbc22cece93ab59346aa25699393b0e57a3c0d2

Rust for JS Devs — Part 2

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
...Syntax, Wes and Scott jump into part 2 of their look at Rust for JavaScript developers, including variables in Rust, type systems in Rust, signed and unsigned integers, and more. Show...
Medium 4bbc22cece93ab59346aa25699393b0e57a3c0d2

Spooky Web Dev Stories Part 2

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
In this episode of Syntax, Wes and Scott tell more of your scary web dev stories including lorem ipsum mistakes, naming something Skynet, blackouts, Twitch streaming, and more! Linode -...