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MBA MCI - MBA Marketing, Communication & Innovation
Bienvenue sur le podcast du MBA MCI, le MBA Marketing, Communication & Innovation de De Vinci Executive Education : le Master of Business Administration (MBA) de référence sur le Marketing Digital en France depuis 1999 !
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Viva Culture

Ouest Track Radio
L'actualité des arts au Havre par la MCH
La culture au Havre, tout savoir (ou presque) sur les créateurs, les évènements et les lieux, les coulisses de la création, les réactions des spectateurs, les 5mn d'histoire...les coups de coeur de l'association MCH
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Le son jamaïcain mixé par Mew
Chaque semaine le mercredi à 20h sur Wave Radio, les nouveautés reggae, dub, digital, des rétrospectives artistes ou label, mixées par Mew. Une émission à écouter fort !
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Morceaux créés par les MCs et les Beatmakers pendant des ateliers dans les studios d'Hydrophone.
Dans les studios d'Hyrdophone, pour développer sa pratique du rap et du beatmaking, il est possible de participer à des ateliers de création autour du beatmaking, de l’écriture, de la M.A.O,... en étant accompagnés par des artistes / intervenants. Sur un jour ou deux, l’objectif est de favoriser la rencontre et l’échange entre MCs et beatmakers, tel un espace de travail collectif.
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Podcast by DJ Romy D'ANDRÉA AKA Romuald MC
Podcast by DJ Romy D'ANDRÉA AKA Romuald MC


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Lachlan, Geoff and Todd cover MCW New Horizons & the MASSIVE 2 night PWA/MCW Colosseum shows  #WWE  #NXT  #NJPW  #ROH  #MLW ...
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This week we take a deep dive into MCW Vendetta, all the news from around the world, where you can catch Aussie wrestling this...
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From our live review on Twitch as Todd, Geoff & Lachlan talk all about MCW Ballroom Brawl on FITEtv+  #AEW #WWE #AEW #NXT #NJPW #ROH #MLW #GCW #youtube #applepodcasts #Spotify...
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This week we talk MCW Fight to Survive, Zaria’s in ring debut, who will be WWEID’d and what we thought...
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On the episode we review the first MCW show of 2023, The House Always Wins as usual Todd & Lachlan argue over certain...
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...Jay on this episode of AxeCast with Josh 'The Axe' Shooter. Also find out how MCW approach business, success, what got Mikey into the industry, his experiences booking, filming and loads...
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From our live review on Twitch as Todd, Geoff & eventually Lachlan talk all about MCW High Stakes on FITEtv+  #AEW #WWE #AEW #NXT #NJPW #ROH #MLW #GCW #youtube #applepodcasts #Spotify...
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From our live review on Twitch as Todd, Geoff & eventually Lachlan talk all about MCW Blood in the Water on FITEtv  #AEW #WWE #AEW #NXT #NJPW #ROH #MLW #GCW #youtube...
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...home and he’s not happy… this week my guest is friend of the show and MCW Intercommonwealth Champion Rocky Menero, we go about our usual chat about ring character psychology, these...
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...his delayed ROH debut, who he sees as the next workers to step up in MCW with the recent departures & how he loves teaching the importance of listening to the...
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This weel we reviewed the MASSIVE MCW Endgame and previewed THIS weekends EPW REAWAKENING 23 plus the aussies in the PWI100 Tag...
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This week we review both nights of the MCW Anniversary Weekend and talk about all the news in pro wrestling plus what the show...
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Our live review of MCW Ascension on FITEtv+ Todd, Geoff & Lachlan plus we talk WWE Elimination Chamber PERTH!!! #AEW...
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