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Podcasts sur les mĂȘmes thĂšmes

The best stories from the creative economy
Podcast the best sagas of the creative economy as told by Hupster, the media that tells the story of today's digital world.
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Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats
Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats
Full Stack Developers Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski dive deep into web development topics, explaining how they work and talking about their own experiences. They cover from JavaScript frameworks like React, to the latest advancements in CSS to simplifying web tooling.
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Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats
React Podcast
React Podcast
Conversations about React with your favorite developers.
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React Podcast
Travel Ireland & Scotland
Travel Ireland & Scotland
Celtfather Music & Travel gives you an inside look into the life of musicians. You'll hear interviews with people I meet on the road and online who are involved in the Celtic and Geek communites. You'll enjoy stories from my Celtic Invasion Vacations and travels around the world. Plus, you'll get my inside thoughts on music marketing, cats, science fiction conventions, and the ideas that move me. This is more than Celtic music and culture. It's more than a Geek lifestyle audio blog or travel show. This is about what it means to be Scots-Irish and a Geek.
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Travel Ireland & Scotland
Calgary: A Sprawling Obsession
Calgary: A Sprawling Obsession
A discussion around urban sprawl in Calgary and its effect on biodiversity and people
The rapid pace of Calgary’s expansion since the 50s raised questions from academics and concerned citizens, who described it as a perfect example of urban sprawl and deemed it unsustainable from the human, economic and environmental point of view. This podcast is a series in 3 episodes that aims at exploring this question, through interviews with experts to discuss the threats associated to this phenomenon from three different points of view: the threats towards Calgary inhabitants, the threats towards biodiversity and the threats towards the cultural heritage of Indigenous people. This podcast was created as part of the Canadian Wilderness Stewardship Program run by CPAWS.
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Calgary: A Sprawling Obsession
The Turnaround with Jesse Thorn
The Turnaround with Jesse Thorn
The Turnaround is a new series about our greatest living interviewers, hosted by Jesse Thorn and produced by Maximum Fun and The Columbia Journalism Review. Featuring conversations with prominent interviewers about their careers and their craft, the show is a perfect resource for a new generation of storytellers and journalists. You'll hear Jesse speak with Larry King, Terry Gross, Werner Herzog, Audie Cornish, and so many more!
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The Turnaround with Jesse Thorn