© Jules & Nico

Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Hit Parade | Music History and Music Trivia
Hit Parade | Music History and Music Trivia
How That Song Became #1
What makes a song a smash? Talent? Luck? Timing? All that—and more. Chris Molanphy, pop-chart analyst and author of Slate’s “Why Is This Song No. 1?” series, tells tales from a half-century of chart history. Through storytelling, trivia and song snippets, Chris dissects how that song you love—or hate—dominated the airwaves, made its way to the top of the charts and shaped your memories forever. Want more Hit Parade? Join Slate Plus to unlock monthly early-access episodes, bonus episodes of "The Bridge," and ad-free listening across all your favorite Slate podcasts. Subscribe directly from the Hit Parade show page on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Or, visit slate.com/hitparadeplus to get access wherever you listen.
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Hit Parade | Music History and Music Trivia
Super High Sci-Fi
Super High Sci-Fi
From days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the universe, comes a legendary podcast. Super High Sci-Fi is a weekly(ish) discussion of all things sci-fi. Join Clark, Grant, and their army of co-hosts as they get totally high on sci-fi! Books, movies, television, games, comics, and more--if it's sci-fi we're high! Check us out on iTunes!
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Super High Sci-Fi
Sci-Fi Talk
Sci-Fi Talk
How Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy And Comics Help Explore Our Own Humanity
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Sci-Fi Talk
Just a couple of guys who have some opinions about Comic Books and other nerdy things.
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Let's Talk Legacy
Let's Talk Legacy
Presented by Southwestern Legacy Insurance Group
What does it mean to build and maintain a legacy, either in business, or for your loved ones? What tools and resources are available to help? Join the discussion along with exciting guests and real listeners just like you, to tackle the answers to these questions, and learn how to grow today, for a better tomorrow. Southwestern/Great American, Inc., dba Southwestern Family of Companies, for itself and its related entities and their assigns, reserves and retains all rights to their copyrighted materials and trademarks contained in this podcast. Southwestern Legacy Insurance Group is an affiliate of Family First Life.
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Let's Talk Legacy
Philippe Reale
Philippe Reale
Fanzines - Photographies
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Philippe Reale