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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

The Oasis Podcast
The Oasis Podcast
Oasis Podcast is the only ongoing podcast/ radio show dedicated to the most influential band of the 1990s, Oasis. We delve into the history of the group as well as discussing many other areas of music and pop culture through in depth interviews with people who experienced the phenomenon that was the rise of Oasis at the time. We discuss the impact on pop culture back then, plus their legacy today. With high production values we edit the shows together with archive material from the time, including rare tracks, live performances, interviews and more.
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The Oasis Podcast
The Tone Mob Podcast
The Tone Mob Podcast
The Show About Guitar Tone and The People Behind It
The year was 2015. Show host Blake Wyland intended to start a podcast where he took a deep dive with his guests from the guitar world to explain their rigs. What happened was that, but also a whole lot more. The show quickly evolved into discussions about people's lives. Guitars, pedals, amps, etc. are the central hub of the show, but it really is more about the PEOPLE behind all of it. Both the musicians who use the gear, and the folks that create these magical tools of expression. You can expect chats about songwriting, favorite bands, family, loss, addiction, conspiracy theories, philosophy, and most of all....... food. This podcast goes all over the place. Come take a ride.
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The Tone Mob Podcast
L'Attimo Fuggente Podcast
L'Attimo Fuggente Podcast
La musica da amare!
“L’Attimo Fuggente” è un programma in diretta, condotto in studio da Francesco Amoroso e Raffaello Russo, e va in onda ogni lunedì, dalle 21:00 alle 23:00 su Radiocittaperta.it in streaming ovunque ci sia un computer: http://radiocittaperta.it/onair ”L’Attimo Fuggente” tenterà di offrirvi ciò che c’è di più interessante nel mondo della musica. Attraverso la radio e anche attraverso la sua pagina di Facebook. (http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/LAttimo-Fuggente/156113034401531). "L’Attimo Fuggente", grazie a rubriche, piccoli speciali e monografie in pillole, tante novità, ma anche recuperi dal passato prossimo e remoto, vorrebbe mettere in primo piano le emozioni nella musica. Ogni lunedì, ovunque voi siate, rilassatevi e cogliete l’attimo fuggente. Parafrasando il protagonista dell’omonimo film degli anni novanta: “Non ascoltiamo e suoniamo musica perché è carino: noi ascoltiamo e suoniamo musica perché siamo membri della razza umana; e la razza umana è piena di passione. Medicina, legge, economia, ingegneria sono nobili professioni, necessarie al nostro sostentamento; ma la musica, la bellezza, il romanticismo, l'amore, sono queste le cose che ci tengono in vita”.
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L'Attimo Fuggente Podcast
Gone Mental
Gone Mental
No Nostalgia, Just Mental
This is dedicated to those into the more mental side of rockabilly. Focusing on psychobilly, garage, mutant rockabilly, surf and cowpunk this is not for those just looking for some nostalgic rock and roll.
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Gone Mental
Chick Corea: A Work in Progress
Chick Corea: A Work in Progress
In conversations with his musical collaborators and friends, Chick reveals insights into his music universe. From the tour buses and airports to the recording studios and backstage. You’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at the details of the creative process from the legends of jazz. "These podcasts introduce a topic that's very exciting to me: giving a helping hand to other musicians." —Chick
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Chick Corea: A Work in Progress
Folk Songs & Stories shares the heart of indie Celtic and folk music. Host Marc Gunn uncovers the stories behind songs and offers tips for sustainable living—perfect for fans of authentic, grassroots tales. All songs are used with permission of the artists and copyright holders.
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