
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Simpsons Time: Thru the Debigulator with Amanda | WFMU
Simpsons Time: Thru the Debigulator with Amanda | WFMU
WFMU presents Episode recaps and Simpsons theory by Amanda Nazario.
Simpsons Time is several people's favorite feature of Amanda's radio program Nazario Scenario. One episode is discussed per week, focusing on the show's writing and its impact on the cultural landscape. Here we present the episode recaps and analysis all on their own, in snacktacular scaled-down form. Note: For a re-bigulated listening experience with the rest of Amanda's show, you can find the Nazario Scenario archives here.
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Simpsons Time: Thru the Debigulator with Amanda | WFMU
Outermission every Tuesday at 1 PM on DemonFM
Outermission is a talk show focused on showcasing Leicester’s Arts, Culture and Performance Community. During February, Outermission is the place to go for DemonFM’s Dave’s Leicester Comedy Festival Coverage. Outermission is produced and presented by De Montfort University Radio Production students.
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KIDC Podcasts
KIDC Podcasts
KIDC Podcast specializes in updating new information!
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KIDC Podcasts
Podcast by SeasonOne
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JS Party: JavaScript, CSS, Web Development
JS Party: JavaScript, CSS, Web Development
Your weekly celebration of JavaScript and the web. Current panelists: Jerod Santo, Kevin Ball (KBall), Nick Nisi, Chris Hiller, Amal Hussein & Amy Dutton. Past panelists: Suz Hinton, Feross Aboukhadijeh, Amelia Wattenberger, Divya Sasidharan, Alex Sexton, Rachel White, Emma Bostian, Ali Spittel, Mikeal Rogers & Jessica Sachs. We talk about the web platform (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Brave, etc), front-end frameworks (ReactJS, SolidJS, Svelte, VueJS, AngularJS, etc), JavaScript and TypeScript runtimes (Node, Deno, Bun), web animation, SVG, TailwindCSS, robotics, IoT, and much more. If JavaScript and/or the web touch your life, this show’s for you. Some people search for JSParty and can't find the show, so now the string JSParty is in our description too.
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JS Party: JavaScript, CSS, Web Development
Get Real Now ! - Podcast
Get Real Now ! - Podcast
“Get Real Now!” is an international podcast proje…
“Get Real Now!” is an international podcast project which aims at facilitating an intercultural dialogue among its audiences. A common topic will be discussed in a separate podcast in each participating country and its national language (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, UK and Ukraine). Every few months all podcast hosts come together to record an episode in English exchanging their perspectives.
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Get Real Now ! - Podcast