
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Travel Ireland & Scotland
Travel Ireland & Scotland
Celtfather Music & Travel gives you an inside look into the life of musicians. You'll hear interviews with people I meet on the road and online who are involved in the Celtic and Geek communites. You'll enjoy stories from my Celtic Invasion Vacations and travels around the world. Plus, you'll get my inside thoughts on music marketing, cats, science fiction conventions, and the ideas that move me. This is more than Celtic music and culture. It's more than a Geek lifestyle audio blog or travel show. This is about what it means to be Scots-Irish and a Geek.
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Travel Ireland & Scotland
Un Jour avec
Un Jour avec
Plongée à micro ouvert dans le quotidien ordinaire et extraordinaire du droit et de la justice. Acteurs volontaires ou involontaires, à titre d’expert ou de profane, de façon habituelle ou occasionnelle, ils nous livrent vingt quatre heures de leur vie personnelle et professionnelle comme elle vient.À la façon d’un témoignage impressionniste et dans la spontanéité du moment vécu, ces reportages documentent d’une façon originale la diversité de nos rapports au droit et de notre vie en société.
Plongée à micro ouvert dans le quotidien ordinaire et extraordinaire du droit et de la justice. Acteurs volontaires ou involontaires, à titre d’expert ou de profane, de façon habituelle ou occasionnelle, ils nous livrent vingt quatre heures de leur vie personnelle et professionnelle comme elle vient. À la façon d’un témoignage impressionniste et dans la spontanéité du moment vécu, ces reportages documentent d’une façon originale la diversité de nos rapports au droit et de notre vie en société.
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Un Jour avec
You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes
You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes
Everybody has secret weirdness, Pete Holmes gets comedians to share theirs.
Everybody has secret weirdness, Pete Holmes gets comedians to share theirs.
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You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes
What were they thinking?
What were they thinking?
The stories behind Europe's most successful clean mobility startups
The European Startup Prize for Mobility is proud to present its podcast series, featuring the stories behind the women and men who won Europe's largest acceleration programme for clean mobility startups. ‘What were they thinking’, moderated by our Managing Director, Dan Sobovitz in a one-on-one conversation with the founders and CEOs about the journeys that have transformed their professional and personal lives and that are about to transform European mobility as we know it. What were they thinking? How did it feel to go the lonely road of an entrepreneur? Did people follow them easily or did they think they were crazy? Was it fun all along or mostly frustrating? Deep down, did they really believe they would make it this far?
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What were they thinking?
To the Point
To the Point
A monthly reality-check on the issues Americans care about most. Host Warren Olney draws on his decades of experience to explore the people and issues shaping – and disrupting - our world. How did everything change so fast? Where are we headed? The conversations are informal, edgy and always informative. If Warren's asking, you want to know the answer.
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To the Point
Développez votre talent caché ! Cultivez l’art de la ruse en écoutant ce puissant podcast. Apprenez-y à déjouer les pièges de la modernité. Devenez un aimant à femmes.
Développez votre talent caché ! Cultivez l’art de la ruse en écoutant ce puissant podcast. Apprenez-y à déjouer les pièges de la modernité. Devenez un aimant à femmes.
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