© Night Owl Radio
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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Noches Pesadas Tejano show podcast
Noches Pesadas Tejano show podcast
The only tejano podcast from Chicago, IL
Since 2013 Noches Pesadas is the only Tejano radio show podcast out of Chicago, IL. Having started in 2013 the founder (tv/radio and digital media veteran Carlos Mendez) thought if great bands like La Sombra, Grupo Oasis and more came from Chicago why is a show not produced here? He took his money and began the show on local radio station WCEV 1450AM. Months later the show moved to WRLL Radio Formula 1450AM where it stayed until January 2016. Carlos hosted, sold to sponsors and produced the show. During this time he also began distributing the program as a podcast and through the tune in app. Til this day it is still broadcast through both of those digital mediums where it averages tons of downloads from places all over the United States. If you want the show broadcast at your local station please call them and demand it. Let us know what you think at carlosradioarte@yahoo.com or instagram carlosmendezradio or twitter @djrocktonik or FB:http://facebook.com/djrocktonik
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Noches Pesadas Tejano show podcast
Living in Hi-Fi
Living in Hi-Fi
Living in Hi-Fi is a podcast about records, released every Monday. Like many record collections, ours has come together from various places: some vinyl we inherited from family, some we sought out and bought on purpose, but most of our records we fished out of dollar bins at thrift stores or dug out from deep in the crates at record stores. We love music so much that we’ll buy just about anything that looks interesting. We’ve discovered a lot of really awesome music that way and we want to share our discoveries. Some of the artists we’ve found have been forgotten about (if they were ever recognized in the first place!) and we think they deserve to be remembered and honored, or at least listened to. We feature some of our favorites: easy listening music from the 1950s and 1960s like exotica and bossa nova, as well as some oddball finds and world music from all over. Each episode, we’ll share the story behind the record we’ve chosen, a bit of history about the artist, and some highlights of the recording. Make sure to check out the show notes for each episode for more about the artist and where you can purchase the music we feature.
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Living in Hi-Fi
Dispatches from the Underground
Dispatches from the Underground
On Dispatches from the Underground host NYC punk Joey Steel, and guests explore the depths of underground, sub, and counter-culture while also trying to grasp a UG perspective on the mainstream and pop culture we are subjected to endure. Dig deep/Get down.
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Dispatches from the Underground
Downtown Soulville with Mr. Fine Wine | WFMU
Downtown Soulville with Mr. Fine Wine | WFMU
WFMU presents One hour of rare soul 45s.
One hour; 23 or 24 soul 45s.
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Downtown Soulville with Mr. Fine Wine | WFMU
Montuno Madness
Montuno Madness
Put a little madness in your montuno, put a little montuno in your madness!
A weekly salsa podcast with the best music for your listening and dancing pleasure.
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Montuno Madness
Cool Playlist
Cool Playlist
On “Cool Playlist”, host Eliza Skinner and a guest create a playlist for a specific life event, moment, or occasion.
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Cool Playlist