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Les podcasts référencés sur podCloud sont récupérés à partir de liens publics (Feed XML/RSS) qui nous ont été fournis par leurs auditeur⋅icesauditeurs et auditrices ainsi que des partenaires. Ce podcast m'appartient.

Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Titre Evidence as a catalyst for policy and societal change. Towards more equitable, resilient, and sustainable global health.
Beyond the pandemic: Mobilizing evidence for safe and effective health policy and practice The COVID-19 pandemic has provided an unprecedented opportunity to assess the relationship between evidence and policy and their impact on societies.  This podcast series features interviews with leading experts in the area of knowledge translation and evidence-policy-society processes, documenting key lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and looking ahead leveraging innovation and novel strategies. A must-listen for all that aim to make better, evidence-based policy decisions.
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We Knows Parenting
We Knows Parenting
Real parents, not experts.
Comedian couple Beth Newell (Reductress) and Peter McNerney (Story Pirates) discuss their two children and offer up non-expert opinions on parenting.
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We Knows Parenting
Philippe Reale
Philippe Reale
Fanzines - Photographies
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Philippe Reale
Growth Hacking Culture
Growth Hacking Culture
The Growth Hacking Culture Podcast is a series of insightful interviews with prominent experts on mindsets, skills and mental resources to grow individually, lead motivated teams and create human-centric work cultures. These episodes are about thought provoking ideas to scale up and growth hack human-centric and performing work cultures. Hosted by Ivan Palomino.
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Growth Hacking Culture
Get Real Now ! - Podcast
Get Real Now ! - Podcast
“Get Real Now!” is an international podcast proje…
“Get Real Now!” is an international podcast project which aims at facilitating an intercultural dialogue among its audiences. A common topic will be discussed in a separate podcast in each participating country and its national language (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, UK and Ukraine). Every few months all podcast hosts come together to record an episode in English exchanging their perspectives.
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Get Real Now ! - Podcast
Unleash Your True Self
Unleash Your True Self
15 min a day to reflect on yourself and develop your self-awareness
The Unleash Your True Self Podcast is a self-development podcast hosted by Houefa Gbaguidi, a French transformational coach. Its aim is to help you to gain confidence and reveal your true self, so that you could live a more purposeful life, aligned with your values and your identity. Listen to those episodes and take 15 min of your time only for yourself and self-reflect. You can find this podcast on all the platforms like Apple Podcast, Spotify or Google Podcast. You can follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/_yourtrueself Take care ! --- Music "Sappheiros - Embrace" is under Creative Commons licence (cc-by) Music distributed by Breaking Copyright: https://bit.ly/sappheiros-embrace
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Unleash Your True Self