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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Good Food on the Road
Good Food on the Road
KCRW’s Good Food host Evan Kleiman talks with Pulitzer Prize-winning food writer, the late and great Jonathan Gold of The Los Angeles Times about places you may not have tried yet, but ought to.
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Good Food on the Road
Piano Puzzler
Piano Puzzler
Every week on Performance Today™, Bruce Adolphe re-writes a familiar tune in the style of a classical composer. We get one of our listeners on the phone, and our caller listens to Bruce play his Piano Puzzler™. They then try to do two things: name the hidden tune, and name the composer whose style Bruce is mimicking. From American Public Media.
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Piano Puzzler
Live From Progzilla Towers
Live From Progzilla Towers
Proving that Prog isn’t just for Dinosaurs.
Hello and welcome to the Live From Progzilla Towers Podcast – Proving that Prog isn’t just for Dinosaurs! Progzilla is a weekly radio show and podcast dedicated to new, forthcoming and recent releases, news, reviews, tour and release dates, interviews, competitions and much more from the world of Progressive Rock.
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Live From Progzilla Towers
L'Attimo Fuggente Podcast
L'Attimo Fuggente Podcast
La musica da amare!
“L’Attimo Fuggente” è un programma in diretta, condotto in studio da Francesco Amoroso e Raffaello Russo, e va in onda ogni lunedì, dalle 21:00 alle 23:00 su Radiocittaperta.it in streaming ovunque ci sia un computer: http://radiocittaperta.it/onair ”L’Attimo Fuggente” tenterà di offrirvi ciò che c’è di più interessante nel mondo della musica. Attraverso la radio e anche attraverso la sua pagina di Facebook. (http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/LAttimo-Fuggente/156113034401531). "L’Attimo Fuggente", grazie a rubriche, piccoli speciali e monografie in pillole, tante novità, ma anche recuperi dal passato prossimo e remoto, vorrebbe mettere in primo piano le emozioni nella musica. Ogni lunedì, ovunque voi siate, rilassatevi e cogliete l’attimo fuggente. Parafrasando il protagonista dell’omonimo film degli anni novanta: “Non ascoltiamo e suoniamo musica perché è carino: noi ascoltiamo e suoniamo musica perché siamo membri della razza umana; e la razza umana è piena di passione. Medicina, legge, economia, ingegneria sono nobili professioni, necessarie al nostro sostentamento; ma la musica, la bellezza, il romanticismo, l'amore, sono queste le cose che ci tengono in vita”.
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L'Attimo Fuggente Podcast
Fresh Unsigned  Radio Show
Fresh Unsigned Radio Show
Playing the very best in unsigned and new music this is The Fresh Unsigned Radio Show. I play bands from the UK and around the world. I also feature band videos. I'm always on the look out for new bands and singer songwriters to take part on the show. If you would like to have a track play listed for FREE drop me an Mp3 with info or Press Pack to deanjamesfreshunsigned@hotmail.co.uk Please ensure you own all copyright to your music and are happy with me playing on the show. I'm looking for indie, rock, pop punk, ska, gothic, psychedelic and acoustic bands/singer songwriters. Record labels are welcome to submit bands check out the links page for full list.Fresh Unsigned also goes out via Oystermouth Radio www.oystermouthradio.com For more info check out www.freshunsigned.webs.com or you can follow Fresh Unsigned on www.twitter.com/freshunsigned Enjoy the show. 
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Fresh Unsigned  Radio Show
9to5 (dot cc)
9to5 (dot cc)
we're not working - why should you?
we're not working - why should you?
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9to5 (dot cc)