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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

The Fedora Chronicles Network
The Fedora Chronicles Network
Commentary on Pop Culture and Current Events from classic film snobs, nerds and Jazz-Era Aficionados / Dieselpunks. Special episodes include one-on-one interviews, media reviews and in-depth analysis. Topics include Conspiracy Theories, Paranormal and Unexplained Phenomenon, and True Crime. All with self-deprecating sophomoric humor.
Commentary on Pop Culture and Current Events from classic film snobs, nerds and Jazz-Era Aficionados / Dieselpunks. Special episodes include one-on-one interviews, media reviews and in-depth analysis. Topics include Conspiracy Theories, Paranormal and Unexplained Phenomenon, and True Crime. All with self-deprecating sophomoric humor.
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The Fedora Chronicles Network
Pantheon - Home for Music Lovers
Pantheon - Home for Music Lovers
Your Pod Source for Music & Culture History, News, Conversations, Reviews, & More
Welcome Music fans! Find the amazing shows from the Pantheon Network in our main feed here: Rock N Roll Archaeology, Growin' Up Rock, Comes A Time, The Metallica Report, History in Five Songs with Martin Popoff, Decibel Geek, Tunes & Tumblers, Mistress Carrie Podcast, The Hook Rocks!, Performance Anxiety, JBTV, Into the Banjoverse, Rock's Backpages, Goldmine, Pamela Des Barres' Pajama Party, Who Cares About the Rock Hall?, You're Not Listening, the C.L.I.M.B., The Career Musician, Cobras & Fire, Rock and/or Roll, The Band: A History, No Filler, Shout it Out Loudcast, My Weekly Mixtape, Side Jams, I'm in Love with That Song, See Hear, Ditty TV, Strange Phenomena, The Devil's Music with Pleasant Gehman, Metal Mayhem Roc, Colorado Music Experience, Audio Judo, ImmaLetYouFinish, What Difference Does It Make?, Songfacts, Story Song Podcast, The Age Old Question, There Can Be Only One, VRP Rocks, The Punk Tree, Long May You Young, Music Buzzz, Play That Rock N Roll, Ugly Things, Rock is Lit, Throughline, Banned Biographies, Only Three Lads, Glass Houses - A Billy Joel Podcast, Something for Nothing- A Rush Fancast, Waterproof Records, The Musician's Journey, Rock Camp: The Podcast, Basic!, Into the Void, The G Note Podcast, Kicked in the Teeth- an AC/DC Podcast, Set Lusing Bruce, The Jeremiah Show and more! Find all the great Pantheon Podcasts in their individual feeds wherever you listen to podcasts!
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Pantheon - Home for Music Lovers
High Speed Hangover
High Speed Hangover
Metal moshing mad
Underground metal tunes both old and new, plus chat about upcoming gigs in London and the UK
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High Speed Hangover
Fracamag, le podcast de la Fraca-Ma
Fracamag, le podcast de la Fraca-Ma
l'émission des musiques actuelles en Région Centre
La Fraca-Ma, Pôle Régional Musiques Amplifiées, assure une mission d'information, de ressource, d'accompagnement et de valorisation des initiatives dans le champ des musiques actuelles à l'échelle du territoire de la région Centre. Dans ce cadre, elle s'attache à la valorisation des artistes et associations locales et ce notamment via la réalisation d'un programme radiophonique dénommé Fracamag. Au menu, une dizaine de morceaux de groupes et artistes de la région Centre, et une interview d’un acteur du secteur des musiques actuelles : labels, artistes, salles de concerts.
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Fracamag, le podcast de la Fraca-Ma
Ace and OP
Ace and OP
Ace and OP is your go-to podcast for dynamic discussions on everything from the latest entertainment trends and conspiracy theories to hot-button politics and tech innovations. Hosted by two best friends, Ace and OP bring engaging perspectives and a lot of laughs. Despite differing views and insightful debates, their chemistry navigates a wide range of topics with humor and respect. Ace and OP show that diverse perspectives can lead to enriching dialogue and mutual understanding. Join Ace and OP each week for spirited discussions and a reminder that healthy discourse can bridge any divide.
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Ace and OP
Blues Town Podcast
Blues Town Podcast
Give it a listen!
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Blues Town Podcast