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© @2015-2023 The Big Takeover
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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Podcast Rock City
Podcast Rock City
Opinionated, fun and informative!  Joe, Sonny, Joey and Leigh talk about their favorite band KISS!! Weekly news, Topic of the week and many other games and subjects. You can also join them LIVE during the recording on youtube and facebook and be part of the LIVE show every Sunday night at 7pm est.
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Podcast Rock City
Tiny Desk Concerts - Audio
Tiny Desk Concerts - Audio
Tiny Desk Concerts from NPR Music feature your favorite musicians performing at All Songs Considered host Bob Boilen's desk in the NPR office. Hear Wilco, Adele, Passion Pit, Tinariwen, Miguel, The xx and many more. This is the audio version of the podcast. A video version is also available.
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Tiny Desk Concerts - Audio
The Iron Maiden Podcast
The Iron Maiden Podcast
The Iron Maiden Podcast is a Fan Podcast that is dedicated to one of the greatest Heavy Metal Bands of all time, Iron Maiden. Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/theimpodcast Our Website: www.theironmaidenpodcast.podomatic.com
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The Iron Maiden Podcast
The Amp Hour
The Amp Hour
An off-the-cuff radio show and podcast for electronics enthusiasts and professionals. Note: this is the "show only" version of the feed. To see the show notes, check out the main podcast feed: https://theamphour.com/feed/
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The Amp Hour
80s Alternative Underground
80s Alternative Underground
Classic 80s college alt rock
The Alternative features 70s punk, 80s new wave, 90s Brit Pop, and new alt rock from today. The Alternative airs every Friday from 6:15-11 pm on WATD-FM in the Boston radio market. Produced & hosted by Chris Atwood.
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80s Alternative Underground
Boston Rock Talk
Boston Rock Talk
Boston Rock / Talk is Boston's first and only web…
Boston Rock / Talk is Boston's first and only web, TV and podcast series that highlights the most talented, up-and-coming to top-established names in music as they come to play the city’s venues. Video episodes are an hour of high-caliber content, featuring an interview with host Jim Sullivan (former Boston Globe and Phoenix rock music critic), and a performance by the musician. Each show is broadcast live in partnership with Comcast to produce a video series for digital distribution via Xfinity On Demand including the interview, performance and behind-the-scenes footage. Podcasts range from past and current interviews with national and international musicians playing in the Boston area and beyond. Jim is known for his informed interviews and deep knowledge of the music scene, past and present, and Boston Rock / Talk captivates its audience with an intimate experience.
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Boston Rock Talk