
Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Titre Evidence as a catalyst for policy and societal change. Towards more equitable, resilient, and sustainable global health.
Beyond the pandemic: Mobilizing evidence for safe and effective health policy and practice The COVID-19 pandemic has provided an unprecedented opportunity to assess the relationship between evidence and policy and their impact on societies.  This podcast series features interviews with leading experts in the area of knowledge translation and evidence-policy-society processes, documenting key lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, and looking ahead leveraging innovation and novel strategies. A must-listen for all that aim to make better, evidence-based policy decisions.
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Studiomatic lance les premiers podcasts sur le mu…
Studiomatic lance les premiers podcasts sur le music business ! Si tu es musicien·ne, auteur.e, compositeur.trice, beatmaker, producteur.trice ou même manager, ce podcast est fait pour toi. Nous y dévoilons toutes les clés pour que tu puisses gérer et booster ta carrière musicale en toute autonomie, sur des thématiques diverses et variées : booking, production, communication, sponsoring, identité artistique et bien d'autres encore !
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CoRecursive: Coding Stories
CoRecursive: Coding Stories
The stories and people behind the code. Hear stories of software development from interesting people.
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CoRecursive: Coding Stories
Latifah Nguyen
Latifah Nguyen
Latifah Nguyen is an eCommerce writer at LitCommerce. She has over 3 years of experience writing content about online businesses across marketplaces. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge with fellow eCommerce entrepreneurs on how to sell effectively on popular marketplaces.
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Latifah Nguyen
Biz Women Rock
Biz Women Rock
Katie Krimitsos is a mother, wife and high achieving woman entrepreneur who is on a mission to support the journeys of female entrepreneurs who want to grow purposeful, productive and profitable businesses. She's a Mastermind Leader, Coach and Business Growth Strategist, and live and online education provider for ambitious women entrepreneurs who want to see results! The Biz Women Rock podcast features interviews with successful business women, live coaching calls, and practical strategies for purposeful growth. We are in this together!
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Biz Women Rock
La route est longue mais la voie est libre
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