© Laure Brignone
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Podcasts sur les mêmes thèmes

Régulièrement s'ajoutent sur ce flux des extraits de radio, puisés dans nos grandes malles remplies de vieilles bandes usées.
Régulièrement s'ajoutent sur ce flux des extraits de radio, puisés dans nos grandes malles remplies de vieilles bandes usées.
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It's New Orleans: Happy Hour
It's New Orleans: Happy Hour
HAPPY HOUR is a cocktail-fueled 60 minutes of random conversation with folks who have nothing in common, other than being New Orleanians in a bar. Featuring extraordinary New Orleans musicians playing live, host Grant Morris and sidekick deluxe Andrew Du
HAPPY HOUR is a cocktail-fueled 60 minutes of random conversation with folks who have nothing in common, other than being New Orleanians in a bar. Featuring extraordinary New Orleans musicians playing live, host Grant Morris and sidekick deluxe Andrew Duhon
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It's New Orleans: Happy Hour
Techtonic with Mark Hurst | WFMU
Techtonic with Mark Hurst | WFMU
WFMU presents Techtonic with Mark Hurst | WFMU.
A show from WFMU about our shift to a digital future. Mark Hurst interviews creators and thinkers about technology, community, videogames, and whatever else is next.
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Techtonic with Mark Hurst | WFMU
In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world — and all of us — have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended every part of his life. Someone else had to learn to live with hardship and found their true identity along the way, all while living in two worlds. Meanwhile, a subculture ascends, one reporter explores Olvera Street, and another finds an old notebook filled with memories from his time in a cabin. It’s UnFictional, hosted by Bob Carlson.
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Growth Hacking Culture
Growth Hacking Culture
The Growth Hacking Culture Podcast is a series of insightful interviews with prominent experts on mindsets, skills and mental resources to grow individually, lead motivated teams and create human-centric work cultures. These episodes are about thought provoking ideas to scale up and growth hack human-centric and performing work cultures. Hosted by Ivan Palomino.
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Growth Hacking Culture
What were they thinking?
What were they thinking?
The stories behind Europe's most successful clean mobility startups
The European Startup Prize for Mobility is proud to present its podcast series, featuring the stories behind the women and men who won Europe's largest acceleration programme for clean mobility startups. ‘What were they thinking’, moderated by our Managing Director, Dan Sobovitz in a one-on-one conversation with the founders and CEOs about the journeys that have transformed their professional and personal lives and that are about to transform European mobility as we know it. What were they thinking? How did it feel to go the lonely road of an entrepreneur? Did people follow them easily or did they think they were crazy? Was it fun all along or mostly frustrating? Deep down, did they really believe they would make it this far?
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What were they thinking?