Medium c2e3495e2eef2203878a4d1c501833f12b2dcbce
Medium e6398adb52ca539d79a8a8ad7d2db7a32dee93bd
Brian Shaffer drops in and we get right to discussing what he has been up to before...
Medium c0d1d39885830b8a03cb6081f7fae546235a3b5f
Brian Shaffer of the Weekly RockBlog and the Free Peanuts Band came on the show to discuss the...
Medium 86e970054f16886e2fc4ad1799091d17b95eba51
...Life featuring Amber Alexis, Tilted Shadows, Terachain Sky, The Hellfire Club, and After the fall. Brian Shaffer of the Weekly RockBlog and John Lane of A Pro Radio joined me for this episode....
Medium a245e418060ef7e4bcf92d705b645f80ceab6349
Medium c0d1d39885830b8a03cb6081f7fae546235a3b5f
Brian Shaffer joined us on the phone to discuss what he has been up to lately including...
Medium 8e5642a3c53ac1bc14d65c8b5768556b9c536b18
Brian Shaffer joins Bill on Episode 93 of 3 Questions and a Song to introduce the listeners...
Medium 41966bd0b25a08630da4b76d06d4c825348b5c07
Medium b531d8d3dba6c8f528b3c0c59f78fccb47d6e9f7
Medium 18130361f0b0a26b31637499d81db69d5f6b027f
Medium 200ee506632e4dad5620443bc59c3bb441dbc7b8
Medium 89190fd39b4418c4fc603de774c09d1e39397dbd
Medium e02f745934f11c61f2c869114ba7a53c98ef8286
Medium daf2081465f42ae3e8f55c99dbe048957d5c9b8f
Medium 626243ab95a6981f17a25973dbea73cdf561ae80
résultats 1 - 15 sur 21 au total
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