Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268
...to our sponsor for making this show happen:  Disney Vacation Club Resales and Point Rental (DVC-Rental.com & buyandselldvc.com)  We appreciate your support...AND...as always, we appreciate YOU spending a little of your time with...
Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268
...to our sponsor for making this show happen:  Disney Vacation Club Resales and Point Rental (DVC-Rental.com & buyandselldvc.com)  We appreciate your support...AND...as always, we appreciate YOU spending a little of your time with...
Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268
...to our sponsor for making this show happen:  Disney Vacation Club Resales and Point Rental (DVC-Rental.com & buyandselldvc.com)  We appreciate your support...AND...as always, we appreciate YOU spending a little of your time with...
Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268
...to our sponsor for making this show happen:  Disney Vacation Club Resales and Point Rental (DVC-Rental.com & buyandselldvc.com)  We appreciate your support...AND...as always, we appreciate YOU spending a little of your time with...
Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268
...to our sponsor for making this show happen:  Disney Vacation Club Resales and Point Rental (DVC-Rental.com & buyandselldvc.com)  We appreciate your support...AND...as always, we appreciate YOU spending a little of your time with...
Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268
...to our sponsor for making this show happen:  Disney Vacation Club Resales and Point Rental (DVC-Rental.com & buyandselldvc.com)  We appreciate your support...AND...as always, we appreciate YOU spending a little of your time with...
Medium 149d4c124ded4623a89512e440615f7123afb574
Flux : YES DOC
Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268
...to our sponsor for making this show happen:  Disney Vacation Club Resales and Point Rental (DVC-Rental.com & buyandselldvc.com)  We appreciate your support...AND...as always, we appreciate YOU spending a little of your time with...
Medium 149d4c124ded4623a89512e440615f7123afb574
Flux : YES DOC
Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268
...to our sponsor for making this show happen:  Disney Vacation Club Resales and Point Rental (DVC-Rental.com & buyandselldvc.com)  We appreciate your support...AND...as always, we appreciate YOU spending a little of your time with...
Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268
...to our sponsor for making this show happen:  Disney Vacation Club Resales and Point Rental (DVC-Rental.com & buyandselldvc.com)  We appreciate your support...AND...as always, we appreciate YOU spending a little of your time with...
Medium 149d4c124ded4623a89512e440615f7123afb574
Flux : YES DOC
Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268
...- Scott and Chris discuss the Polynesian Tower, V.I.Passholder discount and Reflections along with other DVC News but then dive into the show topic...Attractions that gives us Motion Sickness!  We feel...
Medium ff090447c04d9477064a6ba0a30acb72359dde14
Flux : Allo Ortho
Medium 787cc589024a1c039c44216380bc5e83dabe4268

"The Dubs" Disney & Travel Podcast #455 - Overrated Walt Disney World

The Dub Dee Dub Revue (Stacey Nyman and Chris Malek)
...to our sponsor for making this show happen:  Disney Vacation Club Resales and Point Rental (DVC-Rental.com & buyandselldvc.com)  We appreciate your support...AND...as always, we appreciate YOU spending a little of your time with...
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