Medium 3fc0fb92b23519de657fcc6ffe34d634fe004ddb

Going Indieground 191

Medium 6b2ebc9a0d439421a9f118a63496da58b955a321

This Is Workin'

Agony Aunt Studios
Medium 8e92029fef97347b8ec74185188d61a2799dcec3
Medium 4215f7dd28456ff85086d69e243208d5f3dce900
Medium 8e92029fef97347b8ec74185188d61a2799dcec3
Medium 6b2ebc9a0d439421a9f118a63496da58b955a321

Have You Ever?

Agony Aunt Studios
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
Medium 3524861f60a3b70b024aad72efdb65f785c164f8

Live Ledge #395: Dead Man’s Pop

paulisded@yahoo.com (theledge)
Medium c9bfbcde0484afb1e24291d998b3f354f29b7e0b
Medium 971eeebf8d5be3036c4dd537c4e648e3ef938400
Medium 32b2be20f1a183e9e00039036065b60ffe674191
...it was classic Jethro Tull in Concert Going to school with adults as a teenager Echo And The Bunnymen The Smiths and going back from there the 11 year old punk the smoked pot...
Medium 6e3aaee817f967809dfc463a707b079d8ded9f2d
Medium 0e62215fc1bc487e745c39eded36e2695434022a
Flux : The Hustle
...few high-quality solo albums. He shares stories of his early days in Liverpool, playing with Echo and the Bunnymen and Paul McCartney, and much more.  Both lovely guys. Enjoy!    www.nikkershaw.net www.henrypriestman.com www.patreon.com/thehustlepod
Medium a5156042bb88ee8db5bb2697b3547fb09d244189
Flux : The Hustle
Medium 6861f132641077f1d1cd7d4276b03db4de220a35
Flux : The Hustle
...to the forefront. He also produced landmark albums by Crowded House, The Verve, james, Embrace, Echo and the Bunnymen , U2, Pink Floyd, Paul McCartney (as the Fireman), and even Killing Joke when he...
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