Medium b0bd28637632bd8a1ceae5941ff08788d2c3371f
Flux : Sci-Fi Talk
Talented composer who has worked with Edgar Wright plus Howard Shore on the Lord Of The Rings original trilogy as well. He won an Oscar for...
Medium 191e6660d9e1a53193c2cc94f5d1d60b225f7059
...IN 3D!; (And Superman Quits His Day Job); Mark Wahlberg in T4? That’s Transformer 4); Howard Shore and The Hobbit; and Princess Leia Wants In The Sequels. Miles gives us This Week...
Medium 1f65cd582c2710f0788af58c5f37a97d67cf8fc8
...Moon & The Forest. Recordings featured: Joby Talbot: Ink Dark Moon – Luminoso (Miloš Karadaglić) Howard Shore : The Forest (Miloš Karadaglić) Albéniz: Suite Española – Asturias (Andres Segovia) JS Bach: Suite...
Medium e37d70f8fff156f3e77a141baa9e682d64203f8c
Medium 213e3f35250ca82e39513a8889e40e5ddd0cde99
Medium 17cee0374202729cea54c110403bdceb9575bfc9
Medium a1b9e7d89989d71c470afd6e1fd1aa9612b3807a

IrishFest Atlanta 2023 #634

Marc Gunn, Ed Yother, Dervish, Eimear Arkins, John Doyle, Ashley Davis, Olivia Bradley, The Inland Seas, Mànran, Roehind
Medium 8997f6e8a9030c3b238a5e2618016d10f088910e

Grace and Kindness #493

Marc Gunn, Daimh, Andrew McManus, Tallymoore, Lorcan Mac Mathuna, Follow the Crows, Scythian
Medium b760b4492fd30102e759069d0e2946921c72f491
Medium 1f17b5b319da27993750cfd604730d81d7a18dc4

Love for Planet Earth #491

Marc Gunn, Scythian, Tuatha de Danann, Clann An Drumma, Wakefire, Brad Tuck, Emma Langford, Cady Finlayson, Tara, Tor
Medium 41cb02eef9f834ac59d0d6b629fd15c99d2b9194

Ep 369 - Most Anticipated Books for August and September!

shows@maximumfun.org (Mallory O'Meara, Brea Grant)
Medium 377857a10f35f294407aa70e544775e2efc03410

St. Patrick's Day Mind-Blowing Tribute #500

Marc Gunn, The Tannahill Weavers, Poitin, The Selkie Girls, Doolin', Jesse Ferguson, Flook, Tuatha de Danann, Emma Langford,Lilt
Medium 0f66e8d2cc7e0ad1f63565bc0333b153be74fe1d

CMP012 The Song of Amergin

Gary & Ruth Colcombe
Medium c12af20262e5a6fb2cd89ebaeac8ed9d25d2cfe2
Flux : Goal-Volant
..."Les charognards" - Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard "Now we are free (from “Gladiator”)" - Howard Shore "The riders of Rohan" - Hans Zimmer "Pirates of the Caribbean Medley" - Claude Debussy...
Medium 88bf928be094df968d38f9ba3683b5973390f08c
...générique : Lisa Écriture, montage, mixage, mastering : SeasonsNovel Chanson finale : Gollum's Song ( Howard Shore , Fran Walsh, Janet Roddick, David Donaldson, Steve Roche et David Long) Bruitages : freesound.org...
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