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Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
...strange. In this episode, Sterling and hostess Pleasant Gehman discuss everything from her new book, Ouija board s to pet communication, wild things that happened in mediumship sessions, and what it’s like to...
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True Crime Tales

Chris Jericho
...podcast host, Dave Schrader, brings plenty of true crime stories to TIJ… some involving ghosts, Ouija board s, and Slender Man!  He's also talking about the West Memphis Three, and Steven Avery,...
Medium abcdba7bcecddb645472faca4073e09dc418fed3
...looooooong time out — pops into the podbooth to natter away with Alex Godfrey about ouija board s, The Island Of Dr. Moreau, and getting stoned with cats. Elsewhere on this week's...
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...Rock charts in January 1990. Songs under discussion include "House" by the Psychedelic Furs, " Ouija Board Ouija Board" by Morrissey, "No Myth" by Michael Penn, and "Down In It" by Nine...
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...a teenager - Marcio's story confirms why Ross would never want to play with a Ouija board - Ross shares a different kind of paranormal experience involving Twitter and a TV host......
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Episode 276: The Medium, Destruction All-Stars

Tommy Dassalo, Ben Vernel and Adam Knox
I just did a ouija board and the ghost told me that you'd better listen to Filthy Casuals with Tommy Dassalo,...
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Super Monkey Brains And The Utah Monolith: Cyber-Monday Special Part 2

Eric Renderking Fisk / The Fedora Chronicles Network
...beyond the grave and are using The Fedora Chronicles Radio Show as their own personal Ouija board ... This episode is dedicated to Paige Elmore of Reverie True Crime. Be sure to...
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...“Patience Worth.” Psychological Review. 1919. pp. 397-407. https://archive.org/details/psychologicalre01pratgoog/page/396/mode/2up Denny, Diana. “Written by Pearl Curran … Or Ouija Board ?” Saturday Evening Post. Sept. 16, 2010. https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2010/09/written-pearl-curranor-ouija-board/ Diliberto, Gioia. “Patience Worth: Author From the...
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...Tracy talk about the many products that have been made with licensed (and sometimes unlicensed) Ouija board imagery. They also discuss the scientific experiments covered in Wednesday's episode in greater detail.  See...
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In addition to being the focus of corporate machinations, the Ouija board has also been invoked in many legal cases and has been featured in pop culture...
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The rise of the Ouija board in North America involves corporate intrigue, family betrayal, a lot of litigation, and very little...
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Although most people who've used Ouija board s don't think they're communicating with the beyond, there is something mysterious about how it...
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Although most people who've used Ouija board s don't think they're communicating with the beyond, there is something mysterious about how it...
Medium e0c1fd219d48c71ae675d1b48e79ec3b56789663
...Trios Paranoias' CP Lee) we'd advise you to unleash your talismans and tune in your ouija board s. Tis the season to be screamin'.
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