Programmable infrastructure (Interview)Changelog Media |
The Pragmatic Programmers (Interview)Changelog Media |
Get with the programmeBBC Radio |
Flux : Accidental Tech Podcast
The Future of Programmable MatteriHeartPodcasts and HowStuffWorks
Flux : Fw:Thinking
Degree programme: stopping heat deathsThe Economist |
Going critical: Iran’s nuclear programmeThe Economist |
Growing Old Gracefully as a (Will Vincent)
Flux : Django Chat
What good programmers worry about (News)Changelog Media |
An aberrant generation of programmers (Friends)Changelog Media |
BRB UK 249.5: Julian the Lovely (
Flux : BRB UK Podcast
80% of professional programmers are unhappy (News)Changelog Media |
Was Ada Lovelace the first computer programmer?iHeartPodcasts
Flux : TechStuff
The advantages of being a blind programmer (Interview)Changelog Media |
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