Medium c0782686dd1f1fd364cf5b9dc049d6f95caf3a19


bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
...Anthem and new Tekken 7 DLC characters… let's go do flippin' podcast! The post BRB UK 333: OAP UK appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
Medium edc036c69117c8b817a2fd49e1b65f444ddf3b17
...our upcoming KICKSTARTER for Paris Gondo - The Life-Saving Magic of Inventorying. I daresay that UK Tabletop RPG publishing has never been so prolific! But am I forgetting about some past...
Medium 79517f794eb72c5accf3e18364ccbcb523683bf0
Disinformation after a knife attack in the UK transformed a local tragedy into nationwide upheaval. The Guardian's Robyn Vinter explains how it got...
Medium 05fb1ea8882afdc02b8e1a2aee13c9540f0f480d

BRB UK 342: Vamime

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
...trouble, (hey now, hey now our boyfriend's back)… we've missed Tim guys The post BRB UK 342: Vamime appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
Medium e5ee81dae106bb8d91c7b458603b8fe6d512a026

BRB UK 328: Boogins

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
...Demo. Now you can hear our opinions on them with this podcast The post BRB UK 328: Boogins appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
Medium 8e98bdf664001b19954a5a206d45b16c49ee420b

BRB UK 311: Reggiette

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
We're talking PlayStation Classic, Telltale Games, First on Discord and more on this week's BRB UK. The post BRB UK 311: Reggiette appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
Medium d5334f12441145cd0542e6282305af6d7a15b8cf

BRB UK 305: Shablagoo

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
...and South Park: The Fractured But Whole's expansions, we've got your back. The post BRB UK 305: Shablagoo appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
Medium 002b1f32c7a4c8a6406b4a59860fd77b27d15883

BRB UK 302: Dreams

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
...Traveler, Hand of Fate 2, Moosemen and more in this episode of Big Red Barrel UK. The post BRB UK 302: Dreams appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
Medium d055d8c0a90f41d2c0bf59b76c8e492eeab32184

BRB UK 298: DickTater

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
...some current games instead, including Shape of the World and Legendary Eleven. The post BRB UK 298: DickTater appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
Medium 978d8b0a36bc0a7447cd649b344bdcf7b5ce0133

BRB UK 293: SplatHOON

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
...Immortal Redneck, I Expect You to Die, Rage 2 and more on this week's BRB UK The post BRB UK 293: SplatHOON appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
Medium 0509089bcee73eed00c3afd1d55618b11f42b3b8

BRB UK 287: Comealing

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
...The Dragon is back, Dan bought a Switch and more on this episode of BRB UK. The post BRB UK 287: Comealing appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
Medium 603844301f4f31714ad539029bacd7841e3bad51

BRB UK 275: Avaslash

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
...the Empire, highlights from CES 2018, Nintendo Direct Mini news and more, on this BRB UK. The post BRB UK 275: Avaslash appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
Medium 7532a1d424413af85f1b1cece9c547db6094451f

BRB UK 263: #ThumbSticks4Tim

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
...Infinite, Forza Motorsport 7, Project Cars 2 & more on this week's episode of BRB UK. The post BRB UK 263: #ThumbSticks4Tim appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
Medium 74c139e49167fa3ce1a7df82f40445a5eb7ce406

BRB UK 256: Hullabaloo

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
...Senua’s Sacrifice, Archangel, Castlestorm VR, Champions of the Shengha & more on this week's BRB UK. The post BRB UK 256: Hullabaloo appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
Medium 8012022603a88aacf89a34f104f75fde6db4ec01

BRB UK 243: Tetromino

bigredbarrel@gmail.com (BigRedBarrel.com)
...Tetris, Injustice 2, Mass Effect, Assassin’s Creed & more on this week's Big Red Barrel UK Podcast The post BRB UK 243: Tetromino appeared first on Big Red Barrel.
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