Medium 603e138d166246d9e29353316b4b1b61e3f15f47
Flux : Up First
...haven. This week on The Sunday Story, producer Andrew Mambo speaks with Emmanuel Akinwotu, NPR's West Africa Correspondent, about the complicated relationship between the diaspora settlers and the place they see as...
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One of the world’s cultural treasure troves were created in West Africa . But for over a century they’ve been held in museums outside of Africa. In...
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Nigerian guitarist and composer Taiwo Adegoke talks about starting the first classical guitar society in West Africa and infusing local harmonies and rhythms into new compositions and arrangements.  
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Medium b555cf4dc4fb05f47049170b37737f265877e5cf
...Track Was Taken Off From New Project, “Body Of Work” EP which houses 6-Tracks with West Africa Top Stars Praiz & Harmonize. Will God answer your prayer if you don't end with,...
Medium ab3ece108995430dad047cf966196d993ebcece9
Medium ab3ece108995430dad047cf966196d993ebcece9
...Davido is one of the leaders of the Afrobeats scene – a movement born in West Africa , in particular Nigeria, and exported to England via the diaspora – which takes African...
Medium c6b19694d81c745f631173bd2b91db2c96a0f7ce
...with the volunteer agency Canadian Crossroads International which offered her a placement in Ivory Coast, West Africa . In 1982 the BBC set up a West Africa office and Lyse began filing...
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