Medium 755a20b31d6e4f6045ca50e020acf7daf1739e2c
...dans un monde en changement : European Initiatives for Pollinator Monitoring Denis Michez Laboratory of Zoology, University of Mons, Mons, Belgium Résumé Several studies have now shown at different spatial scale...
Medium 670367fb385a267d3cdb03c42fdf2b6392859ff1
Medium e8e521c0b588b0063b3bd25e86ebf3aaf6413ecd
Medium 8802b993451dee908bb69aeeab576bde84caa1b0
Flux : En 5 minutes
Medium 771b812a588b95ea331b80e56b0f7c493fce7451
Flux : MinuteEarth
...Koala, Phascolarctos-Cinereus .2. Pap, a Special Maternal Feces Consumed by Juvenile Koalas. Australian Journal of Zoology. 41(6): 611-620. Retrieved from: http://www.publish.csiro.au/ZO/ZO9930611. Mack, A., and Druliner, G. (2003). A Non-Intrusive Method for...
Medium 1a392d898414c41c700868f49e8a52ef6feacd47

Episode 70: Honey

contact@spilledmilkpodcast.com (Molly Wizenberg and Matthew Amster-Burton)
Flux : Spilled Milk
Greetings from Spilled Milk University. First, the zoology department weighs in on how bees make honey (we have no idea). Next, to the...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
...know why it works the way it does? With Richard Dawkins evolutionary biologist, reader in Zoology and Fellow of New College, Oxford, Charles Simonyi Chair of Public Understanding of Science, Oxford...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a


BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
...together in response to pheromones. With Tristram Wyatt Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Zoology at the University of Oxford Jane Hurst William Prescott Professor of Animal Science at the...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a


BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
...them the great survivors and adaptors of the animal world. With Louise Allcock Lecturer in Zoology at the National University of Ireland, Galway Paul Rodhouse Emeritus Fellow of the British Antarctic...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a

Bird Migration

BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
...at the University of Glasgow Tim Guilford Professor of Animal Behaviour and Tutorial Fellow of Zoology at Merton College, Oxford and Richard Holland Senior Lecturer in Animal Cognition at Bangor University...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a


BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
...With Steve Jones Emeritus Professor of Genetics at University College, London Wendy Gibson Professor of Protozoology at the University of Bristol and Kayla King Associate Professor in the Department of Zoology...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
...interested in why animals behave as they do, but before behavioural ecology this area of zoology never got much beyond a collection of interesting anecdotes. Behavioural ecology gave researchers techniques for...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
...bring together knowledge on every subject under the sun. The Natural History contains information on zoology, astronomy, geography, minerals and mining and - unusually for a work of this period -...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
...Can religion and science be so easily divided?With Stephen Jay Gould, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology and Professor of Geology, Harvard University; John Haldane, Professor of Philosophy, University of St Andrews...
Medium 3c1d85256523a14b3d6e37575c899c8bb2c64ce0

Episode 256: ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ with Ellen Weatherford

shows@maximumfun.org (Drea Clark, Alonso Duralde, Ify Nwadiwe)
Flux : Maximum Film!
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