Medium 89bcab745660eca088a538656e929a45b25de4aa

Asian Futures Without Asians

Eric Molinsky | QCODE
...very familiar with. The rainy streets are full of neon dragons, noodle shops, and other Asian iconography mixed up and decontextualized amid sci-fi flourishes, but something is often missing: Asian people....
Medium ed9cc59c76c3ae6d6c5624a01b228f69460e6154
Medium 9702d921bfae5d542458cedb3c570a443b93fd82

Episode 101: Asian Tofu

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
...Let’s Eat In host Cathy Erway talks tofu with James Beard finalist and author of Asian Tofu, Andrea Nguyen. Ever thought that making your own tofu was a daunting and mysterious...
Medium f064155307f6b0c2490faa74b6d0f00073022ba3
Medium 23db594da8f547f8e2cde30b7ac8db18c61a545d

Crazy Rich Asians Is Important

Peach Fish Productions
Flux : The Gist
On The Gist, guest host Stephanie Foo dives into Crazy Rich Asians, speaking with friend and fellow producer Kat Chow about Asian representation in media, the inspiration...
Medium adb6101bb8532257a71f034cdde26cf2c19676f2
Medium 7846e8406886940e9e38be3ddf0eb3e3715e961f
...bollards to help make public spaces safer. And novelist Kevin Kwan satirizes the “crazy rich” Asian jet set and their luxurious tastes in his latest book, “Rich People Problems.”
Medium e36aa88e2037c6e53fb191e5a5fbc84cd2502878
Jonathan Gold has the scoop on where to find the best Asian fried chicken in Los Angeles.
Medium 1f035719fdc37647d3083eb1a810d9cbc084a1f8
Flux : TPF's Podcast
Top watch Asian Drama DramaCool, the top of the hottest Asian dramas cannot be missing Korean dramas. Korean...
Medium 3095575cc65c77cb6230b2488ae14d70acb3c723
Medium 9870bdcb2c9e33896826a371cc9bd95303a94d8f
...peanut sauce and shrimp goodness? Let's do a live cook-through of an easy and delicious Asian-inspired noodle dish! For complete show notes on this episode, visit http://kitchencounterpodcast.com/132 Connect with the show at:...
Medium 3cd5cd5eb63391df17cd666003741d85445e54e8
Philadelphia’s Southeast Asian market opens for the season this weekend in FDR Park. KYW Newsradio’s Hadas Kuznits chats...
Medium 3cd5cd5eb63391df17cd666003741d85445e54e8
A new Asian fusion sports bar opens in Northern Liberties. KYW Newsradio’s  Hadas Kuznits chats with Set NoLibs...
Medium 5057436ac5c2982892129842069d096c7814aaad

Rock & Roll Rampage #267 ' Asian Blast!'

rocknrollramapage@gmail.com (Bom Bom Lulu)
Medium 0eb208172d7895060033c67db0619719aa123bf3
Flux : Good Food
...Volger develops veggie burger recipes using whole foods. Flexitarian Pamelia Chia canvases chefs for show-stopping Asian vegetarian recipes. Forget meat alternatives, Alicia Kennedy unpacks the history of vegan and vegetarian eating...
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