Medium 3e2d20280cfefac9c0b3f96331abc9d10d5ae2e8
...Aoki and the Lariat crew wonders if Katsuhiko Nakajima is really gonna wind up in DDT. Another former Triple Crown Champion wound up in NJPW in Jake Lee, which is the...
Medium 517596ab143246eb2e6344e6d55892fc07df7fab
Medium 299f7a5427c7e25cc1f62b3a8383bcc0fe094cc0
Medium e2b5e56253348db14be621d482e9f3a1e9bee0f7
Medium e2b5e56253348db14be621d482e9f3a1e9bee0f7
Medium e2b5e56253348db14be621d482e9f3a1e9bee0f7
Medium e2b5e56253348db14be621d482e9f3a1e9bee0f7
Medium e2b5e56253348db14be621d482e9f3a1e9bee0f7
Medium e2b5e56253348db14be621d482e9f3a1e9bee0f7
Medium e2b5e56253348db14be621d482e9f3a1e9bee0f7
Medium e2b5e56253348db14be621d482e9f3a1e9bee0f7
Medium 5357bed9607266c24c74fa7d628f4fb6a87caecd
...the Bad Apple. He shares stories from his first-ever trip to Japan to wrestle for DDT, his time wrestling in Mexico, and why it took him 10 years to wrestle outside...
Medium 3e2d20280cfefac9c0b3f96331abc9d10d5ae2e8
...on top so STRIGGA & Dylan also break down these two events. Sunday then saw DDT's Sumo Hall spectacle and Dragon Gate's biggest event of the year in Kobe – it...
Medium e2b5e56253348db14be621d482e9f3a1e9bee0f7
Medium e2b5e56253348db14be621d482e9f3a1e9bee0f7
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