FTS: Words Matter: Debating DebatesThe DSR Network
Flux : Deep State Radio
...Date: October 21, 2022 On this week's episode, Norm and Kavita talk about the recent debates in races across the country including Marco Rubio v. Val Demings, Tim Ryan v. JD...
From the Silo: Debating the DebatesThe DSR Network
Flux : Deep State Radio
In the wake of the first Republican debate for 2024, today’s From the Silo takes you back to October of last year, with...
Byman and Mir Debate al-QaedaThe Lawfare Institute
Flux : The Lawfare Podcast
Debatablewnycdigital@gmail.com (WNYC Studios)
Flux : Radiolab
Incompetitivedebatefuturepresidents,supremecourtjustices,andtitansofindustrypummeleachotherwithlogicandrhetoric. Unclaspyourbriefcase.It’stimeforashowdown.Lookingbackonanepisodeoriginallyairedin2016,wetakeagoodlonglookattheworldofcompetitivecollegedebate. ThisisRyanWash'sstory.He'saqueer,Black,first-generationcollegestudentfromKansasCity,MissouriwhojoinedthedebateteamatEmporiaStateUniversityonawhim.Whenhestartedgoingupagainstfast-talking,well-funded,“name-brand”teams,fromplaceslikeNorthwesternandHarvard,itwasclearhewasn’tinKansasanymore.SoRyanbecamethevanguardofamovementthatmadeeverythingaboutdebatedebatable.Intheend,hemadehimselfahomeinastrangeandhostileland.Whetherhewasabletochangewhatcountsasrigorousacademicargument…well,that’sstillupfordebate. SpecialthankstoWillBaker,MyraMilam,JohnDellamore,SamMauer,TiffanyDillardKnox,MaryMudd,Darren"Chief"Elliot,JodeeHobbs,RashadEvansandLukeHill. SpecialthanksalsotoTorgeirKinneSolsvikforuseofthesong h-lydisk/BLydianfromthealbum GeirrTveittPianoWorksandSongs SupportRadiolabbybecomingamemberofTheLabtoday. RadiolabisonYouTube!Catchupwithnewepisodesandhearclassicsfromourarchive.Plus,findothercoolthingswedidinthepast—likeminiseries,musicvideos,shortfilmsandanimations,behind-the-scenesfeatures,Radiolabliveshows,andmore.Takealook,exploreandsubscribe!
Debateshmannerscast@gmail.com (Travis McElroy)
Flux : Shmanners
Hello internet! This week's episode is all about DEBATE, both formal and informal! Enjoy and be sure to tell a friend!
Dastardly DebatePeach Fish Productions
Flux : The Gist
On the Gist, there were a great many missteps last night on the presidential debate stage, but despite the rhetorical slips, Biden stayed on his feet to glide past Trump....
Debate falloutKCRW
Flux : To the Point
Sports G.O.A.T. DebateSean McIndoe, Ryan Lambert
Flux : Puck Soup
The Zombie DebateSean McIndoe, Ryan Lambert
Flux : Puck Soup
Bloomberg’s Defenseless DebatePeach Fish Productions
Flux : The Gist
...on American Politics at the University of Denver Seth Masket. They discuss the way the debate went, and what could happen at the convention with all the delegates so spread out....
The Wasted DebatePeach Fish Productions
Flux : The Gist
...and the effectiveness of Andrew Yang’s proposal of universal basic income. In the spiel, the debate was lackluster. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Town Hall DebateKCRW
Flux : To the Point
Last night's presidential debate turned into a prime-time political confrontation, this time including a president fully engaged with a...
The Valladolid DebateBBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the debate in Valladolid, Spain in 1550, over Spanish rights to enslave the native peoples in the...
The Mytilenaean DebateBBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
The Putney DebatesBBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the Putney Debates. For several weeks in late 1647, after the defeat of King Charles I in the...
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