Medium 339f7b51847aaa7c92268d1fcd4718fc3cccacf9

Flop Off

wnycdigital@gmail.com (WNYC Studios)
Flux : Radiolab
Thispastyearwasaflop.Fromquestionableblockbusterrebootstosupplychainshenaniganstoworstofall,omnipresentCOVIDvariants.But,inalastditchefforttofliptheflop,weatRadiolabhavedredgedupthemostmortifying,mostcringeworthy,mostgravity-defyingflopswecouldfind. FromflopsatacommunitypooltoflopsattheWhiteHouse,fromaflopthatderailsacareertoflopsthatgiveNBAplayersasneakyedge,fromflopsthat’llsendyouseekingmedicaladvicetoTHEfloppedflopthatinawayenabledusall.Takeabreakfromallthedisappointmentandfloparoundwithus. SpecialThanksto: KaitlinMurphy,DanaStevens,DavidNovak,PabloPineroStillman SupportRadiolabbybecomingamembertodayat Radiolab.org/donate. 
Medium 4bf51a445e2db13fe3c01172f8bd5ba69e5b0aea

Summer Flops-Office

Peach Fish Productions
Flux : The Gist
Medium 5d6628be1e9862280345afbce51727f57e4db316
Flux : To the Point
Medium d45ef64fc2b19e8f5f6026fb77d7bf3dfba9c91c

Episode 148: Flop Out

Podcast Index LLC
Podcasting 2.0 September 29th 2023 Episode 148: "Flop Out" Adam & Dave discuss division in downloads and lay out a roadmap for RSS...
Medium 6a607a6ca306246548ba688fe7a3baeb7d4db09b

Hit Songs, Flop Shows

Laurence Maslon
Medium 231eeaa4468e3a5ff9cace254ece20cd3cd87e5c
Flux : TechStuff
Medium 5b745edb2122567879a4453854c888922a9eda85
...Hot Quick News! Kyle Chandler Green Lantern Series 26:44 Thunderbolts* Trailer & Joker 2 Might Flop in Cinemas 33:40 Spider-Verse 3 Delay & Transformers One Latest 37:52 The Office: Australian Version...
Medium 860a289c7a39ae32beec6160b787bd5fccb2d97e

Beautiful Flops - Vidjagame Apocalypse 573

lasertimeshow@gmail.com (Laser Time)
...of Pixel Lit for a look at five games that were critical darlings, but commercial flops. Then we'll dig into Stellar Blade, Pools, Indika, Another Crab's Treasure, the return of Net...
Medium 47eb9237177e9bd39f2dc1bf65bf655f8345c355

Fossil Fuel Flops at COP28

The Lawfare Institute
Medium 231eeaa4468e3a5ff9cace254ece20cd3cd87e5c
Flux : TechStuff
Medium fbeae415b2b296aef399fa023335e909678bd765
Flux : Science Vs
Medium d3a043f21642569430636cc666303e46cc8f7865

Live from the Filly Flop Room

T.J. Miller, Cash Levy, Myles Lasco
Medium 231eeaa4468e3a5ff9cace254ece20cd3cd87e5c
Flux : TechStuff
Medium cb3c68be7f762c051c5be9457d85b676ea3b208a

Fieldwork fails and flops [Incident Report 01]

Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Flux : Off Track
Medium 8d84366710c00084aaa66bda83fec35e3ed9759b
Flux : To the Point
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