Medium f06ecddf6352595e688569c68cd391e1a64db316
Medium 6fda3cf6d88fd85a33d8ca7e03657f2fcab13c64
...pour le post-rock et le shoegaze. Surtout, on peut y entendre des primeurs, des ballades folk, du punk, du pop, de l’électro et même du black métal quand le cœur nous...
Medium a5f816dee35d8e60780371bad2de72931136bdbc
...we’ll be all over the board in today’s show, bringing you music about money cravin’ folks from Blind Alfred Reed, working down on Maggie’s Farm and we’ll also have ourselves a...
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
...in the world outside of Armenia, itself. He was influenced equally by rock and Armenian folk music. But music wasn’t always his focus. For a while as a teen, he thought...
Medium 6fda3cf6d88fd85a33d8ca7e03657f2fcab13c64
...pour le post-rock et le shoegaze. Surtout, on peut y entendre des primeurs, des ballades folk, du punk, du pop, de l’électro et même du black métal quand le cœur nous...
Medium 93260f61a804adacc720724fd74bc9bf8400e809
...et Hugues vous parlent du cinéma d'horreur et de l'émergence d'un style particulier : l'Horror Folk. Ce genre cinématographique puise ses racines dans les superstitions, les contes, les légendes et les...
Medium a9ca712c3a66de051757ae7538a8fe89f68f4191
...he approached his fifties, he started to see cracks appearing in the health of the folks around him. What had worked for his peers in their 20s and 30s, wasn’t working...
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
...Father 23:42 Career at Disney and Personal Growth 29:55 The Power of Road Trips and Music 35:44 Neo Folk Movement and Pandemic Road Trip 36:29 Connecting with Humanity on the Road 38:10 Settling in Asheville and...
Medium be864e81d5c8a68a0e34049fc6bb87d08646ff77
...before joinging Veraison.  When not tasting/drinking/talking about wine, Bob plays the accordion in a Celtic folk band and dabbles in a little close-up magic. Connect: Website: https://www.veraison.education/team  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bob-davidson-316a3247/  About today’s...
Medium dd2d3a492c09b8e774c9c49c0e948e3fe0b7c89d
Medium 41cb02eef9f834ac59d0d6b629fd15c99d2b9194

Ep 369 - Most Anticipated Books for August and September!

shows@maximumfun.org (Mallory O'Meara, Brea Grant)
...Grand Love - Stories for Grandparents of Trans Grandchildren by Janna Barkin Nonfiction Queer as Folklore - The Hidden Queer History of Myths and Monsters by Sasha Coward Nonfiction Confounding Oaths...
Medium 42e032e16911fd04d407b31b75308c8682c8c22e
...Django or Jinja Templates – “Prettier” is a JavaScript based linting tool for templates. For folks not familiar with the world of npm, it can be a bit daunting to get...
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
...ever offered up. Though Clapton and Winwood would go onto reunite in 2009 to give folks a glimpse of what they were, The Wolf & Action Jackson contemplate what they might...
Medium 28a16556daed1d38ff424a371c9422ab4c8a6717

Ron Carnevali - Flood City Music Festival

wqedpittsburgh@gmail.com (WQED Multimedia)
...27th. The Festival has two days of great music in all types of genres - folk, rockabilly, country - with headliners Andy Frasco and the UN on Friday night and Jerry...
Medium 6fda3cf6d88fd85a33d8ca7e03657f2fcab13c64
...pour le post-rock et le shoegaze. Surtout, on peut y entendre des primeurs, des ballades folk, du punk, du pop, de l’électro et même du black métal quand le cœur nous...
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