Medium 23a11e485291eb99ad4debcf0f0e8447832a85cb

794: Prettier JavaScript with Vjeux

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
Medium 52810e7a6103b118888d1cd0b99b29642d0c98bd

Going flat with ESLint

Changelog Media
...Show Notes: ESLint’s new config system Announcing typescript-eslint v8 Beta dprint Yeoman Squiggle Conf eslint-plugin-eslint-comments JavaScript’s with keyword Mocha eslint-nibble create-typescript-app Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Medium 52810e7a6103b118888d1cd0b99b29642d0c98bd
KBall and returning guest Tejas Kumar dive into the topic of building LLM agents using JavaScript. What they are, how they can be useful (including how Tejas used home-built agents to...
Medium 23a11e485291eb99ad4debcf0f0e8447832a85cb

799: Hot New and Under-Utilized Browser APIs

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
Medium 23a11e485291eb99ad4debcf0f0e8447832a85cb

798: Self Hosting: Reverse Proxy Servers

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
Medium 23a11e485291eb99ad4debcf0f0e8447832a85cb

797: Drizzle: The TypeScript SQL ORM

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
Medium 23a11e485291eb99ad4debcf0f0e8447832a85cb

796: Do We Need JS Frameworks × Are You Over-Engineering? × Webview vs Native

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
...Post. 33:05 Handling ad-blockers blocking Sentry and other tools. Syntax GitHub. 38:25 Creating sites without JavaScript. 42:49 Do I really have to learn all the various developer tooling? Wes Bos Tweet....
Medium 23a11e485291eb99ad4debcf0f0e8447832a85cb

795: Hosting Private Fonts on the Edge With Cloudflare

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
...not just use a bucket? Check out the code. 15:24 Should whitelisting be done in JavaScript or cores? 17:23 How do you cache to multiple origins? 18:15 Multiple URLs in an...
Medium 42e032e16911fd04d407b31b75308c8682c8c22e
...Generator Implemented in Python Running Prettier Against Django or Jinja Templates – “Prettier” is a JavaScript based linting tool for templates. For folks not familiar with the world of npm, it...
Medium 52810e7a6103b118888d1cd0b99b29642d0c98bd
Medium 52810e7a6103b118888d1cd0b99b29642d0c98bd
Medium 23a11e485291eb99ad4debcf0f0e8447832a85cb

793: The Local First Landscape

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
Medium a4a6e1d5ac8a98b1e89be7733b01ff055b533e3c

RNR 302 - Landing a React Native Job with Taylor Desseyn

rnradio@infinite.red (Taylor Desseyn, Derek Greenberg, Jed Bartausky, Robin Heinze, Todd Werth, Justin Huskey, Jamon Holmgren, Mazen Chami)
Medium 23a11e485291eb99ad4debcf0f0e8447832a85cb

792: Perfect Sitemaps for SEO

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
Medium 23a11e485291eb99ad4debcf0f0e8447832a85cb

791: LLRT The Serverless Runtime w/ Richard Davison

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
...runtime tailored specifically for Lambda. They dive into the benefits of using LLRT, challenges with JavaScript in serverless, and why Rust was chosen for its development. Show Notes 00:00 Welcome to...
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