Medium 3b4feab8e33019d8a0aa4732bb7dabbc5eb9c2ba
It's Amy's pick this week, the 1988 supernatural comedy High Spirits. Also, Andy reviews Hellraiser: Judgement for Straight-to-Video Russian Roulette.  Our Beelzebub members are Tree & Alex McNulty, Mandi Arthur, Brandon Boone,...
Medium 0f66e8d2cc7e0ad1f63565bc0333b153be74fe1d
The old story-teller, Fintan, gives his famous Judgement In this story, which is part 1 of a 2 part story, we hear the...
Medium 7b0240c12ad33deb66d338334bb8b546a9a9b356

EP 297: V2: Judgement Day

Loose Cannon & Bakko
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
Medium b1ce0539ef7d0ffcb4e3504248f6e7698512eaeb

Trespass (1992) V.S. Judgement Night (1993)

Spider-Dan And The Secret Bores
Medium eb2f651569050d78a3b2628bc51d4e23bc0d9872
Flux : 60MW
I chat with Gary Tunnicliffe all about Hellraiser: Judgement. For the full podcast notes, please visit: www.60minuteswith.co.uk Thank you for listening.
Medium d6617301ee346da0e4d6e1391508220c7f773c57
Medium 6979011f450a7f71f56846028d086c7df50b936f
Flux : Woman's Hour
Today the Supreme Court will give its judgement on one of the largest ever equal pay claims . It could have implications for...
Medium 0640bb46931a79565529dd6c1ce05a30eca2b84b
Flux : Untangle
...we venture into the often complicated realm of relationships. She talks about letting go of judgement, seeing our partner with fresh eyes, finding a safe place for vulnerability, and, sometimes, learning...
Medium 6979011f450a7f71f56846028d086c7df50b936f
Flux : Woman's Hour
Medium 6979011f450a7f71f56846028d086c7df50b936f
Flux : Woman's Hour
...what’s happened, why it’s significant and how it's not acceptable anymore. Last week a written judgement was published in the family division of the High Court. Ms Justice Russell ruled in...
Medium 6f9e69e945d6a2612cbf29f1727a1e4a76954dc0
Medium 5b745edb2122567879a4453854c888922a9eda85
Medium 57d6bb9df4dbb19ca5daa916cfe18bc33939f2f2
Flux : NolaNerdCast
...Discussed! The books? Complained about! Plus a special Star Wars themed "Am I The Asshole" judgements @NOLAnerdcast NOLAnerdcast@gmail.com
Medium 5d6628be1e9862280345afbce51727f57e4db316
Flux : To the Point
...with Chief Justice John Roberts presiding.  Can he prevent the Republican majority from rushing to judgement? Whatever the outcome, will it restore or erode America’s faith in democracy?
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