Medium 6e0c7b6ac58cce40fa552aca7ff5bb0847ee807b

Alphabetical Order

roman@99pi.org (Daniel Semo, Joe Rosenberg)
Flux : 99% Invisible
...for most of its history, the alphabet wasn’t initially used to order much of anything. Judith Flanders , author of A Place For Everything, a history of alphabetical order, says that in societies...
Medium 258e13759604f66ee03890dd9e0926459b0d40c0

Celtic Music for a Cloudy Day #255

Marc Gunn, Boston Blackthorne, Amadan, Lothlorien, Staggering Jack, Bret Blackshear, Slan
Medium 41cb02eef9f834ac59d0d6b629fd15c99d2b9194

Ep 138 - Reading Books Set In Another Country

shows@maximumfun.org (Maximum Fun)
...-  Mary Toft; or, The Rabbit Queen by Dexter Palmer The Invention of Murder by Judith Flanders The Lady from the Black Lagoon by Mallory O'Meara The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency...
tous les 3 résultats