Medium 3a76d3c4b097ea3c715868332bc9f807b0971765

Episode 97: Manga

legacymusichour@gmail.com (Brent Weinbach and Rob F. Switch)
Manga is the focus of Episode 97.  That is, 8-bit and 16-bit era video games based...
Medium fd0f9bed93cb1ef972395f82489d580124a0456f

Episode 97: Manga

legacymusichour@gmail.com (Brent Weinbach and Rob F. Switch)
Manga is the focus of Episode 97.  That is, 8-bit and 16-bit era video games based...
Medium 39e99eb1895c04c7ca75720d017f2f760798069e
8 Free Manga Sites to Read Manga The popularity of anime has increased over the years. Manga, the...
Medium 100614d3bc15f3d0c8dac577d83afe4d63e2c5da

LMH Mixtape #97: Manga

legacymusichour@gmail.com (Brent Weinbach and Rob F. Switch)
...discovered the booming national market for Japanese graphic novels and anime, video games of popular manga characters often stayed within their country of origin.  What kinds of VGM were Japanese kids...
Medium bcdcf2d3faae5cf9b8618c063eaada7332daf2be

Episode 141: Manga 2

legacymusichour@gmail.com (Brent Weinbach and Rob F. Switch)
Manga-based video games is the topic of Episode 141 (as it was for Episode 97).  Once...
Medium 100614d3bc15f3d0c8dac577d83afe4d63e2c5da

LMH Mixtape #97: Manga

legacymusichour@gmail.com (Brent Weinbach and Rob F. Switch)
...discovered the booming national market for Japanese graphic novels and anime, video games of popular manga characters often stayed within their country of origin.  What kinds of VGM were Japanese kids...
Medium a18ae029a913c9516f0c7c5c4ea68956f78f2e72

Episode 141: Manga 2

legacymusichour@gmail.com (Brent Weinbach and Rob F. Switch)
Manga-based video games is the topic of Episode 141 (as it was for Episode 97).  Once...
Medium cbed09de0eb86d656712931d1d82a8d96f5dc652
In the ever-expanding world of digital entertainment, manga has carved out a substantial niche, attracting readers with its unique storytelling and vibrant artwork....
Medium 2f834a1cbf776216e99c12a39b37b82003fb5eae
Mangareader is one of the leading websites for reading manga online in the US, attracting hundreds...
Medium 100614d3bc15f3d0c8dac577d83afe4d63e2c5da

LMH Mixtape #141: Manga 2

legacymusichour@gmail.com (Brent Weinbach and Rob F. Switch)
On Brent's second solo flight we revisit the topic of manga games.  A genre so overflowing with great music, it demanded another focus.  Fun fact: Did...
Medium 100614d3bc15f3d0c8dac577d83afe4d63e2c5da

LMH Mixtape #141: Manga 2

legacymusichour@gmail.com (Brent Weinbach and Rob F. Switch)
On Brent's second solo flight we revisit the topic of manga games.  A genre so overflowing with great music, it demanded another focus.  Fun fact: Did...
Medium b7817c2d7d0d1ee545d9fe8d90d61b41855d6351

Episode 142: Manga Sensei Interview

info@heritageradionetwork.org (Heritage Radio Network)
Flux : Japan Eats!
This is an episode from Manga Sensei, which is one of the most popular Japanese language learning podcasts. The host John...
Medium 320ceabcd570fe9feae4ba9df2b957770b15ab20
Dinosaur Sanctuary by Itaru Kinoshita This month's manga is about a world where dinosaurs survived on a remote island. Now in the contemporary...
Medium 320ceabcd570fe9feae4ba9df2b957770b15ab20
This month's manga is features the performance art of rakugo. Young Akane pursues her career and plans to...
Medium 320ceabcd570fe9feae4ba9df2b957770b15ab20
Neighborhood Story by Ai Yazawa This month's manga is a seminal work by beloved manga-ka Ai Yazawa, creator of Paradise Kiss and Nana!...
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