Medium 5390cf018d9fc45821f0c90685fa27c62ae2e68a
...Dans cet épisode accompagné d’archives d’Europe 1, plongez au cœur des JO de 1968, à Mexico. Les coureurs Noirs Américains Tommie Smith et John Carlos s’illustrent par leurs performances lors du...
Medium 1938161ba4036638a8a743c48aac1f362e93bcc5
...Dans cet épisode accompagné d’archives d’Europe 1, plongez au cœur des JO de 1968, à Mexico. Les coureurs Noirs Américains Tommie Smith et John Carlos s’illustrent par leurs performances lors du...
Medium a04541a430b2b2aaefbbaa8fc3589d572a8d359b
...controverses.  Dans cet épisode accompagné d’archives d’Europe 1, plongez au cœur des JO de 1968, à Mexico. Les coureurs Noirs Américains Tommie Smith et John Carlos s’illustrent par leurs performances lors du...
Medium ccebc9fc106abfbe567e5f1728bf41ea6d2e714d

Colette Besson, la championne inattendue

podcast@radiofrance.com (Radio France)
...Les Nuits de France Culture - par : Albane Penaranda - Aux Jeux olympiques de Mexico en 1968, une jeune athlète française que personne n'attendait remporte le 400 m féminin. En...
Medium ccebc9fc106abfbe567e5f1728bf41ea6d2e714d
...sa richesse culturelle. - invités : Alberto Ruy-Sánchez Romancier, fondateur de la revue Artes de Mexico; André Azoulay Conseiller du roi du Maroc; Françoise Atlan Cantatrice
Medium ccebc9fc106abfbe567e5f1728bf41ea6d2e714d
...Architecte et anthropologue; Françoise Atlan Cantatrice; Alberto Ruy-Sánchez Romancier, fondateur de la revue Artes de Mexico
Medium c31998c428a88cf77982c7287ef1ce538ada2507
Flux : The Stack
Medium 0eb208172d7895060033c67db0619719aa123bf3
Flux : Good Food
Mary Beth Sheridan details how drug cartels in Mexico have begun extorting tortilla vendors. Stef Ferrari raises a glass to stuzzichini, Italian bites served...
Medium 8be158d719d3b7294aaf24401d68844a69f137eb

Kiss the Cookbook #3 - Our favorites part 2

Learn about food and cooking with John Houser III & Rebecca Madariaga
...and Jeni talk about more of their favorite cookbooks. Here are the books covered:   Mexico: The Cookbook - by Margarita Carrillo Arronte (Author), Fiamma Piacentini (Photographer)   Momofuku: A Cookbook - by David Chang...
Medium be864e81d5c8a68a0e34049fc6bb87d08646ff77
...drinking, learning and writing about wine, food and travel for nearly 40 years. Born in Mexico, with a mother from Hawaii via Korea and an anthropologist father from New York via...
Medium f756dfafcfd21b4720d84c697fddae45ef43f82d
Flux : Gravy
...Fish" Gravy producer Irina Zhorov looks for fresh fish in shops along the Gulf of Mexico, where it should be plentiful but can be surprisingly difficult to find. Between 80 to...
Medium c12af20262e5a6fb2cd89ebaeac8ed9d25d2cfe2
Flux : Goal-Volant
...- Troisième mi-temps de Jérôme : quiz olympique 🎵 PLAYLIST - Björk "Oceania" - Francesca Solleville "200 mètres (Mexico 1968)"
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
...end of the episode to find out how you could win a VIP trip to Mexico City for eight to enjoy two nights of Metallica from the most exciting seats in...
Medium be864e81d5c8a68a0e34049fc6bb87d08646ff77
...drinking, learning and writing about wine, food and travel for nearly 40 years. Born in Mexico, with a mother from Hawaii via Korea and an anthropologist father from New York via...
Medium f9016b3828e096110a4c6ea28f4d0533ddf94cc6


...the culinary world. Here in the USA it's mainly a vehicle for tortilla chips. In Mexico, it's more like a sauce to add to, well, anything. Get ready to be hungry!...
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