Medium 52810e7a6103b118888d1cd0b99b29642d0c98bd
Medium b24790cf6266e99dc0dd221832105a8ea97f5ba2

Module B: Jurassic World

Super High Sci-Fi
Module B is here! Clark and Grant review Jurassic World. Very heavy with spoilers! @SuperHigh_SciFi Support...
Medium bccfc8f8bb69786dbf743f1c08f0a62c7ee97105
Mikeal Rogers, Alex Sexton, and John-David Dalton talk about ES Modules history and current status, and JDD’s ESM loader. Join the discussion Changelog++ members support our...
Medium f9fe84d4483f7dd4fabe0e9404884ee3ce7dd808

Hasty Treat - Modules in Node

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about modules in Node — what are they, how they’re different from browser modules, and more! Sentry...
Medium 786c4009c743ffd58254e5990e696c97bca1ed89

Titus Wormer Chats About ECMAScript Modules

team@kentcdodds.com (Titus Wormer, Kent C. Dodds)
It's time to embrace ESM (ECMAScript Module). NodeJS is providing support for ESM out of the box. With ESM modules coming out...
Medium a4a6e1d5ac8a98b1e89be7733b01ff055b533e3c

80 Native Modules with Florian Rival

rnradio@infinite.red (Infinite Red)
...Rival talks about how to bridge Objective-C, Java, and Swift with JavaScript to create native modules in React Native.
Medium 52810e7a6103b118888d1cd0b99b29642d0c98bd
ES Modules are unflagged in Node 13. What does this mean? Can we use them yet? We...
Medium 6a56ba4716b2865c4c919774910f62ee128957d2
Medium 361e3aaab0e0fbbc8f3463ce02178ae6ad79a5ca

The Amp Hour #155 - Mini Module Master

David L. Jones and Chris Gammell
Flux : The Amp Hour
Medium 4bbc22cece93ab59346aa25699393b0e57a3c0d2

Potluck × JS Modules × HTML Tags × Recession × Budgeting

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
...20:51:11 What should I consider using? There’s a lot of options. CommonJS, AMD, UMD, es modules? 26:30:09 What’s the difference between a software developer and software engineer? 30:36:11 How do you...
Medium 6a56ba4716b2865c4c919774910f62ee128957d2
Medium f34dd8abcf3706c8d8bacc52418e5912c77e07f7
Flux : Woman's Hour
...the moon. Sara Pastor is the project manager and Chief Engineer of the International Habitation module – the place where astronauts will live and study scientific findings in space as part...
Medium 519d2b0b44aa4e48c5dc6b015038a88bddad4db1

#70: Modules for Manhood With Kenneth W. Royce

contact@artofmanliness.com (The Art of Manliness)
I talk to author Kenneth W. Royce about his new book Modules For Manhood. Kenneth and I discuss how the famous gunfighter Jeff Cooper inspired this book;...
Medium bccfc8f8bb69786dbf743f1c08f0a62c7ee97105
...joined Alex Sexton this week to talk about Web Standards stuff, compileTo CSS libraries, ECMAScript Modules in Browsers, and Learning JS. Join the discussion Changelog++ members support our work, get closer...
Medium b28b0416de47f7cc6106d9f4b6f6a712592561c4
How well do you know Python’s math module? Maybe you’ve used a few of the constants or arithmetic functions. You may be surprised...
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