Medium 43fe2b9eb25949823f8f442fd177183c1ec70bd3
Flux : Clever Cloud
...et présentation des participants 00:04:07 : Sujet: Plugin *.google.com dans chromium-based https://x.com/lcasdev/status/1810696257137959018?s=46&t=TTwUj4NwwFWNozryQD5j4Q 00:14:19 : Sujet: Open source et foundations Clever Cloud joins the Eclipse Foundation: https://www.clever-cloud.com/blog/press/2024/07/10/clever-cloud-joins-the-eclipse-foundation/ 00:26:10 : les grands groupes et...
Medium af62afa59c060ed237dbaada109e937bf82de1aa
Medium 91e389b34b2cde1207f32539a40f1cad0a77b0b8
Medium 283991feb9734d0c4e683411d232dd208b02a1b0
Flux : Les Technos
...et bogsgaming.com) • S comme Suisse (57:59:00) : Quand la Suisse montre l'exemple via l' Open Source . La Suisse exige désormais des logiciels open source. (Sources : zdnet.fr, datenrecht.ch et admin.ch)...
Medium 943c0f6730fdbe6463a410a05c98345e84aef756
Medium c0e21505849abf4987558d92c204519d52f7cdfc
...of examples for a library. We briefly cover how Richard and Michael started contributing to open source . We also discuss practicing data skills with challenges and resources like Tidy Tuesday. This...
Medium af62afa59c060ed237dbaada109e937bf82de1aa
Medium 450861670add4874cd3a005ca3890895f25bca56

458 - Little Tech

@bcurdy, @syde et @bfreydt
...to cheer Harris — or dread her Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source   Inspiration #AUDIOBOOK :: Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Empire #DOCUMENTARY  :: The Fantastic...
Medium 450861670add4874cd3a005ca3890895f25bca56

458 - Little Tech

@bcurdy, @syde et @bfreydt
Flux : Niptech
...to cheer Harris — or dread her Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source   Inspiration #AUDIOBOOK :: Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Empire #DOCUMENTARY  :: The Fantastic...
Medium 91e389b34b2cde1207f32539a40f1cad0a77b0b8
Medium c727865480b5d0e32eb3a04205a0348211cfad31
...quelques liens utiles ElectroSpit, la Talk Box enfin hygiénique : https://www.electrospit.com/ Zynthian, la plateforme synthé open source qui fonctionne sur Raspberry PI : http://zynthian.org/ Touch for VIRUS : https://maartenwl.github.io/ BOSS WL-20 /...
Medium 041f11843294572bb439693701119f22fa479bed

White Crocs

Flux : VivaCrocs
Medium 041f11843294572bb439693701119f22fa479bed
Flux : VivaCrocs
Medium 42e032e16911fd04d407b31b75308c8682c8c22e
...worked the cash before. This article introduces the concept and shows you how to use open source libraries to write constraint solving code. Discussion: Any Web Devs Successfully Pivoted to AI/ML Development?...
Medium 47eb9237177e9bd39f2dc1bf65bf655f8345c355
...Fellow at Lawfare, to discuss open-source AI. This engaging conversation dives into the origins of open source , its meaning in the AI context, and why attempts to regulate open-source AI have...
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