Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
...Christ Superstar and has had high profile acting roles including in the Oliver Stone movie Platoon (1986). ABOUT THE PODCAST:  Candid discussions with and about those behind the scenes in the...
Medium c125996751a5121425bfa38d00a8c933bc5e98c5
...up! They all just kept going no matter what. Oliver Stone had the script for Platoon in his pocket for years before someone produced it. James V. Hart was in his...
Medium faf37cccf3f69b19332ba29c494cc4ade7238a7b
...Theft Auto Chinatown Wars Shining Force III Wing Commander Ghostbusters II ActRaiser 2 Hudson Hawk Platoon Barton Fink Phalanx Recommendations: Frank: The new Twilight Zone series Brandon: Vote no on recalling...
Medium 116712b4763ef81c1bc36f18da36565b776d8174
Medium 116712b4763ef81c1bc36f18da36565b776d8174
Medium 116712b4763ef81c1bc36f18da36565b776d8174

Hartmut Rosa : comment entrer en résonance ?

podcast@radiofrance.com (Radio France)
Medium 116712b4763ef81c1bc36f18da36565b776d8174
Medium 116712b4763ef81c1bc36f18da36565b776d8174
Medium 116712b4763ef81c1bc36f18da36565b776d8174
Medium 116712b4763ef81c1bc36f18da36565b776d8174

Alain Sauteraud : comment bien vivre le deuil ?

podcast@radiofrance.com (Radio France)
Medium 116712b4763ef81c1bc36f18da36565b776d8174
Medium 116712b4763ef81c1bc36f18da36565b776d8174

Luc Jacquet : comment habiter le monde ?

podcast@radiofrance.com (Radio France)
Medium 116712b4763ef81c1bc36f18da36565b776d8174
Medium e068cdad9f892187808ebe2dd9dae98ab211d2a6

Retrouvez tous les épisodes sur l’appli Radio France

podcast@radiofrance.com (Radio France)
Medium 0530a9bac33984812a3e1b135c18ec6b6d901a97
Dan, James, Anna, and Andrew discuss kissing, queuing, losing your head and losing your platoon. Visit nosuchthingasafish.com for news about live shows, merchandise and more episodes. Join Club Fish for...
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