377 – Play or Not Play!Michael Digiacomo Happy English
Flux : Happy English Podcast
Don't Play That, Play This!Pat Francis
Flux : Rock Solid
...welcomes listener Jeff Holmes to the "Rock Room" to tell Classic Rock radio what to play and what not to play! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at...
Conway Twitty - Play, Guitar PlayWestern Red
Flux : If That Ain't Country
In this week's episode we're featuring another huge album from Conway Twitty: "Play, Guitar Play" (1977). There were two singles and two obligatory number ones. But sales and...
Campaign 2022: The Progressive Play-by-PlayThe DSR Network
Flux : Deep State Radio
...Rosenberg of NDN and Tara McGowan of Good Information and Courier Newsroom. Which seats are in play? How are abortion restrictions impacting the campaign? Are campaigns making the best use of new communications...
Play Mountainoriginals@stitcher.com (SiriusXM Podcasts and Roman Mars)
Flux : 99% Invisible
...sloping down with steps on two of its faces. Noguchi thought of it as a playground, and he called it Play Mountain. Noguchi’s ideas - about imagination, and freedom to play...
Play GloriaSean McIndoe, Ryan Lambert
Flux : Puck Soup
Playing Godwnycdigital@gmail.com (WNYC Studios)
Flux : Radiolab
Whenpeoplearedyingandyoucanonlysavesome,howdoyouchoose?Maybeyousavetheyoungest.Orthesickest.Maybeyouevenjustputallthenamesinahatandpickatrandom.Wouldyouranswerchangeifasickpersonwasrightinfrontofyou? Inthisepisode,firstairedbackin2016,wefollowNewYorkTimesreporterSheriFinkasshesearchesfortheanswer.Inawarzone,ahurricane,achurchbasement,andanearthquake,thequestionremainsthesame.Whathappens,whatshouldhappen,whenhumansareforcedtoplayGod? VeryspecialthankstoLillySullivan. Specialthanksalsoto:PatWaltersandJimMcCutcheonandToddMenessesfromWWLinNewOrleans,theresearchersfortheallocationofscarceresourcesprojectinMaryland-Dr.LeeDaughertyBiddisonfromJohnsHopkinsUniversitySchoolofMedicine,HowieGwonfromtheJohnsHopkinsMedicineOfficeofEmergencyManagement,AlanRegenbergoftheBermanInstituteofBioethicsandDr.EricToneroftheUPMCCenterforHealthSecurity. EpisodeCredits: Reportedby-ReportedbySheriFink.Producedby-ProducedbySimonAdlerandAnnieMcEwen. Citations: Articles:YoucanfindmoreabouttheworkgoingoninMarylandat:www.nytimes.com/triageBooks: ThebookthatinspiredthisepisodeaboutwhattranspiredatMemorialHospitalduringHurricaneKatrina,SheriFink’sexhaustivelyreportedFiveDaysatMemorial,nowaseriesonAppleTV+. OurnewslettercomesouteveryWednesday.Itincludesshortessays,recommendations,anddetailsaboutotherwaystointeractwiththeshow.Signup(https://radiolab.org/newsletter)! Radiolabissupportedbylistenerslikeyou.SupportRadiolabbybecomingamemberofTheLab(https://members.radiolab.org/)today. FollowourshowonInstagram,TwitterandFacebook@radiolab,andshareyourthoughtswithusbyemailingradiolab@wnyc.org. LeadershipsupportforRadiolab’sscienceprogrammingisprovidedbytheGordonandBettyMooreFoundation,ScienceSandbox,aSimonsFoundationInitiative,andtheJohnTempletonFoundation.FoundationalsupportforRadiolabwasprovidedbytheAlfredP.SloanFoundation.
Press PlayNPR
Flux : TED Radio Hour
Playing GamesPat Francis
Flux : Rock Solid
Pat welcomes Carrie Scott back to the show to play game related songs and promote the upcoming LIVE "For What It's Worth" game show hosted...
Playing BlindEric Molinsky | QCODE
Flux : Imaginary Worlds
...that traditionally haven’t been very accessible to blind people. But there are plenty of blind players who enjoy games and want to lower the barriers to entry. I talk with blind...
Flux : The Business
#91: Casserole PlayingTen Seven Ten
Flux : This Show Has Everything
Fw:Thinking Plays BalliHeartPodcasts and HowStuffWorks
Flux : Fw:Thinking
Technology is changing the way we play and watch sports. From tracking a player's every move to keeping them safe during games,...
Playing with WaterT.J. Miller, Cash Levy, Myles Lasco
Flux : Cashing in with T.J. Miller
Flux : Today, Explained
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