Medium c5472794c2d6f11b45905a597d5f01040264940c

The Power Broker #05: Brandy Zadrozny

roman@99pi.org (elliott kalan, isabel angell)
Flux : 99% Invisible
This is the fifth official episode, breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Power Broker by our hero Robert Caro.  This week, Roman and Elliott also sit down with Brandy...
Medium 0430a9fb687d25191114d8c76d6ebeed1960f4d4
Medium c5472794c2d6f11b45905a597d5f01040264940c

The Power Broker #04: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

roman@99pi.org (isabel angell, elliott kalan)
Flux : 99% Invisible
This is the fourth official episode, breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Power Broker by our hero Robert Caro.  Roman and Elliott also sit down with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,...
Medium 080c08debb31a151b382a6a7762eda9e1f1e428b
Medium f638adc372633a5772cae614f1caa1f42b93a422

The Power Broker #03: David Sims

roman@99pi.org (elliott kalan, isabel angell)
Flux : 99% Invisible
This is the third official episode, breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Power Broker by our hero Robert Caro.  Blank Check podcast co-host and The Atlantic movie critic David...
Medium f638adc372633a5772cae614f1caa1f42b93a422

The Power Broker #02: Jamelle Bouie

roman@99pi.org (elliott kalan, isabel angell)
Flux : 99% Invisible
This is the second official episode, breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Power Broker by our hero Robert Caro.  New York Times political columnist Jamelle Bouie is our book...
Medium f638adc372633a5772cae614f1caa1f42b93a422

The Power Broker #01: Robert Caro

roman@99pi.org (elliott kalan, isabel angell)
Flux : 99% Invisible
Welcome to our first official episode, breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Power Broker by our hero Robert Caro. Robert Caro happens to be our special guest for this...
Medium c125996751a5121425bfa38d00a8c933bc5e98c5
...about screenwriter selling a spec script for seven figures (see Max Landis) but who is the power broker s who are helping that process along? Enter Paradigm Literary Agent David Boxerbaum. David is a...
Medium f95457064fd0a87f1919898fd99620571a4c9abc
Medium 3fa1ce60065ab0b71db8654f198845ab5b44836b
Flux : Tech Café
Medium faa6aa6e9630cf4b3ff683871e1be2d799865d61

Dr Nicolas Jonathan Beger - Q3T: Transform your(self) leadership (ENG: 12/08/2016)

Michel Godart, The Podcast Factory Org, David Van den Broeck, Caroline Gasia
Medium da13f6e66266675206bf73940ee52f54cd0919eb

Horror Web Dev Stories - 2021

Wes Bos & Scott Tolinski - Full Stack JavaScript Web Developers
Medium 2315f58cb8c2f34a1e2b91eec11dd1d484c61df5
Medium dcae33d8c21c08230fb63e868e2c1f8b36c0633c
Medium 79687a47b8c6981bb7e927da2a73311a5114ca2a
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