Medium 763014aca06187ba12900f551ae6c32ca7cd6103
Medium 7aa93c7dd9d069fdbb85eb7aa6448990f71bdf46
...Henderson - Rojao (Original Mix) Jorge Montia & Albert Aponte - Karabudjan (Original Mix) Gregor Salto, Kit, Santos Suarez - Otro Dia (Santos Suarez Remix) Tello - Fiesta (Aitor Galan, Victor...
Medium f5953e834644bfd42f46f1d8c4b7845c596f8b70

Soulful House Show 2021-05-09

Soulful House Show by Dj TuXxL on Univers DJ
...Bedeau – Losing Faith (Instrumental Mix) Max Muller Dan Corco – Alyssia (Extended Mix) Gregor Salto BCUC – Child of the Rainbow Sandy B – Ain’t No Need To Hide (Sam...
Medium 57868c4d7aaddca102e79fc1f0d9efd47a082138
...Ladyhawke Alive (Jesus Pelayo Mash) – Sia vs. Steven Redant Verao (Extended Mix) – Gregor Salto This One's For You (Mauro Mozart Remix) – David Guetta, Zara Larson, Stefan Dabruck Save...
Medium 2595be9f57f839b049d60cdb45b5681b901af994

Dj TuXxL – Soulful House Show 2023-02-17

That Soulful Show by Dj TuXxL on Univers DJ
...– Garden Of Eve (Lenny Fontana Vocal Remix) Boddhi Satva – Now Or Never (Gregor Salto Remix) Moser DYVE Kiko Franco – Told You Chaos In The CBD – Trust Is...
Medium 2aee15b598e381bf6981f0b4fad9adb0e6a6f175
...score goals and determination in every match. Brief biography Suarez was born in 1987 in Salto, Uruguay, and began his football career at a very young age. He soon attracted attention...
Medium 4fddaab61d6e7575748876a2bd2a7771f11457da
...every 50 years.’” El Nacional. 12/3/2019. https://www.elnacional.cat/en/culture/marc-pons-history-barcelona-bombard-50-years_412060_102.html Sanz Loroño, Miguel Ángel. “1842: bombardeen Barcelona.” El Salto. 7/10/2023. https://www.elsaltodiario.com/anales-espana/1842-bombardeen-barcelona Shubert, Adrian. “The Sword of Luchana: Baldomero Espartero and the Making of Modern...
Medium efe87a4eb17dc2a0f667e8b025428f3e20507e85
Medium fc2715a942a0b6696755a929297642e52c18666e
Medium e5879b67d2276d36c1dcbc33556f11416ff98569
Medium 1a31dc7c30a7acd257710525311cd7b59d5f3d1a
Medium facc58418a639dc4e4a01c0be45439ba02dc8dd5
Medium 58abee0657bc74e9a8416ef87d5d1fe0413ec6c1
Medium e2ec73ce776cbfa8da2a8ca3a6e4bfd3313bc6e8
Medium 36788e051658209fa42d3f40dfd98426c39ba601
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