Medium dd90d34d12453fc23ddd4ccb2d56e1872bac8103
Medium 4211ae34b253807454422b835753b68c3aca7787

Science Fair

Tony Tellado
Flux : Sci-Fi Talk
Interview with a science fair finalist, an inspiring teacher and filmmaker in this interesting documentary Subscribe to Sci-Fi Talk...
Medium 89bcab745660eca088a538656e929a45b25de4aa

Weir Science

Eric Molinsky | QCODE
Medium fbeae415b2b296aef399fa023335e909678bd765

Forensic Science

Spotify Studios
Flux : Science Vs
...Hello Fresh – To get $35 off your first week of deliveries visit hellofresh.com and enter promo code “ScienceVS”. Frank & Oak – Go to frankandoak.com/science to get your first outfit for $79 (a pair of pants...
Medium e04bf8dbda45ce3e657ec9fb564f0c256d353bd2

For Science!

Love and Radio | QCODE
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a

Baconian Science

BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
...join Melvyn Bragg to discuss the Jacobean lawyer, political fixer and alleged founder of modern science Francis Bacon.In the introduction to Thomas Spratt's History of the Royal Society, there is a...
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Imperial Science

BBC Radio 4
Flux : In Our Time
...Bragg and guests discuss what drove the British Empire, especially in Victoria’s century. Was it science, more specifically, the science of plants, of agriculture, a scientific notion of nature and the...
Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
...in Zoology and Fellow of New College, Oxford, Charles Simonyi Chair of Public Understanding of Science, Oxford University and author of Unweaving The Rainbow: Science, Delusion and The Appetite For Wonder;...
Medium b77d66f03b37e6d9afc67ba2a9b807b34bbb5967

Sawbones: Science Updates

sawbones@maximumfun.org (Justin & Dr. Sydnee McElroy)
...the last few days that might affect what's going on with health, medicine, and other sciences. Dr. Sydnee talks about the implications of all of these now and in the immediate...
Medium c813a1901ab4fa8ce5af7222232f723cb9906bfa
The 17th Science New Wave XVII Film Festival is here, and Program Director Nate Dorr and Festival Producer...
Medium ac17ae60e1f1a2886bb8e286236b5d9be34e6b42
Find out what the expression 'not rocket science' means in this programme.
Medium 127df8684825f8a2f8e7f28a39da55acf0d7dfd3
Soft Science - Undone - from the 2018 album Maps on Test Pattern Records. Support the show:...
Medium 3db979b1d305e6f7af457504c2a82c477774e940

Science Vs Snakes

originals@stitcher.com (Roman Mars)
Flux : 99% Invisible
...hasn't changed for more than 100 years. This is a collaboration with the great podcast Science Vs from Gimlet Science Vs Snakes Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen...
Medium 08ec6db987d71d42701894861e256f4428a36bc5
Flux : Nerdette
Sahana Srinivasan is the host of the Netflix kids’ science show Brainchild, a series that’s all about exploring interesting questions about the world in which...
Medium 9481dd4a386913f11f64d521eae1d93fef837d5e

Sex Nerd Science!

Sandra Daugherty
...SEXUAL LITERACY! Chock full of sex facts, Sandra is back from 4 days in sex science heaven, sharing TONS of newfound knowledge with Dave! Then Dr. Christopher White talks Sexual Literacy...
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