Medium cc117acd88949f910ab250a68110b3441540c949
Medium 79b4e8de40a217854f2327c6008eed071f0161a9
Medium 635e4bf636775809a63e70dc8f03637b8b378f07
Medium b6844c70e21a780696f3379f5cae7f7d3c654b19
Medium 6f6b08a174661baf91426b1197d18748d7365ca6
Flux : SeasonOne
Medium d7a41c2ee407e8eee1c7f5512f5dfd2a48abcc86
Flux : La Caz' Retro
Medium 86a70b43806ad83db204feca4900eb16faf0b0df
...of supernatural noir A deeply unhealthy relationship The mysterious wereStarlin The hickey of destiny Whether Starfox would fuck a crystal Cyburai and/or cyberpunks What makes for good team costumes Post-Iceman cleanup...
Medium 93e3839d6dbf68c69fa68dd06eadfd929cfff694
Medium 8ec1219566cc3181892be6b6a82f11520c4a7565
Medium 8ec1219566cc3181892be6b6a82f11520c4a7565
Medium 173f17db5daab23c61265bc0c18a82ade16a35f0
Medium 173f17db5daab23c61265bc0c18a82ade16a35f0
Medium 173f17db5daab23c61265bc0c18a82ade16a35f0
Medium 173f17db5daab23c61265bc0c18a82ade16a35f0
...has long forgot. Released several years ago for the original DS, and the latest (original) Starfox title in the franchise, Starfox Command was a bizarre game. It featured a new approach...
Medium 1bf71626ee4d66c6ca63be24602941bdaec962e7
...the E3 floor, we talk about it. The Nintendo 3DS, Zelda: Skyward Sword, Kid Icarus, Starfox 64 3DS, Goldeneye 007 remake and more. Support the Show. Socials Ollie: @chocobalt on Twitter...
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