Medium 5c29ad3af583393f2066f1cfe747b52e4eef0d5a
Flux : In Our Time
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the relationship between maths and storytelling. Is there a hidden mathematical logic in stories? The American mathematician John Allen Paulos thinks...
Medium 0b491a1a9d3b7a46077be167514f530a3c849688
Storytelling with point clouds   This is not your typical point clouds episode! Today we are...
Medium 39b97660b695fdc6792dedbffae2bd2ede07af2a
Medium 2de708d960c0c8d6b0e5a076c4c2ec5da3cdd83e

Kickstart Radiotopia- A Storytelling Revolution

originals@stitcher.com (SiriusXM Podcasts and Roman Mars)
Flux : 99% Invisible
Medium 0640bb46931a79565529dd6c1ce05a30eca2b84b
Flux : Untangle
Catherine Burns is the Artistic Director for The Moth, the storytelling organization, and the editor of their new book, "All These Wonders: True Stories About Facing...
Medium 87824c9003dafaa6d19d24ca8eeab1a595b5deb7
The 100th Episode Bawdy Storytelling Show! SEX GEEK SECRETS! Sandra teams up with Dixie De La Tour's Bawdy Storytelling for...
Medium 0caaace751b676d2583a51fe8e4ed18f733d42b8
Medium f201743f854ec18343d0a6e155ce750857fb7cb2
Medium 8adfb63f72afcb08ab1081d346b5739047d55b12
Flux : The Gist
Medium b0d3c118db84d99460b69645000cbffb572b8960
Medium e3b0f03bf1d97510c24e3e3acef8480fd9e12a55
...percussion emphasis at Texas Tech. He’s now in Nashville, which he says is always about storytelling. We discuss his musical career, acting, and how there’s currently a new evolution of country...
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
...a spiritual storyteller and story coach. Amy shares her journey of discovering her passion for storytelling in her forties, the influence of her upbringing, and her transition from corporate sales to...
Medium b0d3c118db84d99460b69645000cbffb572b8960
You know how much I love stories and storytelling, so that's what we look at today and we have another expert to talk to...
Medium b5bd7ce9dbe9950250730d2db084acb76527fb16
Medium 562dd917ace257f456ddff8be2a934f312b14e3e
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