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CM Au Sommet

Julian Barriere
Le podcast n°1 des community managers
Bienvenue sur le seul podcast en France qui partage le quotidien des community managers, social media managers et pros du social media. 🔥 Ma masterclass gratuite en 3 étapes pour créer une activité de community manager stable et pérenne : https://link.julianbarriere.com/ioaRi
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Le podcast de Cyril Attias
Bonjour, je suis Cyril Attias (http://www.linkedin.com/in/cattias) entrepreneur dans le digital depuis 1998 et fondateur d'adms.paris (https://www.adms.paris) (ex-agencedesmediassociaux.com (http://agencedesmediassociaux.com) .  Marketing & Influence (https://marketinginfluence.fr), est le podcast où nous prenons le temps d’analyser les stratégies marketing, Social Media et le marketing d’influence. Chaque épisode est l’occasion de rencontrer des professionnels du marketing et de l’influence, que ce soit des directeurs marketing, des directeurs généraux, des créateurs de contenus ou même des followers d’influenceurs.  Dans Marketing & Influence nous parlerons de stratégie de marque, de digitalisation, des nouveaux enjeux du marketing dans sa globalité, des collaborations influenceurs et comment celles-ci ont changé leur vie.  Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Ben Birchall & Emily Naismith
Weird and interesting food stories and facts.
Want to feast on funny food facts and fables? Or slurp up strange and spicy stories from supermarkets and society? Bite into Australia’s funnest food podcast, Ingredipedia.  Each episode, competitive hosts Emily Naismith (Broadsheet, frankie magazine) and Ben Birchall (3RRR FM’s Breakfasters, Smith Journal) try to serve the most interesting stories about a specific ingredient (say, Tim Tams or chillies) in a bid for your affection. You get to vote for who was the most interesting on Instagram! It’s fun! It’s lighthearted! It’s largely unhinged! It’s the McDonald’s Happy Meal of the podcast world (but back when you actually got a Cheeseburger and a toy inside).  Join us on social media for more weird and snacky food pursuits Instagram: @ingredipedia TikTok: @ingredipedia Credits Music: Jarrad Brown of Eagle and the Worm Artwork design: Jess Ramsey Photography: Phoebe Powell
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Le podcast du MBA MCI - MBA Marketing Communication Innovation - Devinci Executive Education
Innovations, nouveautés, tech, tendances, usages, études de marché, révolution numérique, transformation digitale, e-business, e-commerce, évolutions des métiers du marketing et de la communication décryptés par le MBA MCI
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Tune in and explore the exciting world of online gaming communities with https://jw.casino/
Join us in our podcast episode as we explore the evolution of online gaming communities. Discover how advances in technology, changes in player behavior, and the rise of social media have transformed isolated single-player experiences into vibrant, interconnected communities. Learn about the impact of high-speed internet, social media platforms, and esports on online gaming. We also discuss the importance of inclusivity and diversity in creating welcoming gaming environments. If you're looking for a platform that offers a comprehensive and user-friendly experience, https://jw.casino/ is the perfect choice.
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Digital and social media marketing mixed in with real life casual conversation. Presented by Tim Adkins, designer, blogger, podcaster, and professional creative media consultant and practitioner.
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On dit les Internets

@aarzhel & @nkl4
Le Podcast Breton sur la culture numérique
Tous les 15 jours @aarzhel & @nkl4 parlent de ce qu'il se passe dans l'actualité numérique. Le sujet est large, il y a donc pas mal de matière. 1 mercredi sur 2 sur @radioactivfm à 21h. #ODLI
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SMC Talks

Débats de société sur les enjeux du numérique
C'est quoi un SMC Talks ? C'est une discussion d'une vingtaine de minutes, mettant en lumière un savoir universitaire et un savoir-faire professionnel sur des sujets variés liés aux médias numériques. Qui se cache derrière tout ça ? Ce projet est né d’un partenariat entre le Social Media Club France et un groupe d’étudiants du Master 2 MISC du CELSA, grande école de communication.
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Le Blog Finance

David Koskas
Découvrez-les podcasts du blog finance, le site financier du Social Media Group!
Dans les podcasts du Blog Finance, David Koskas reprend les faits saillants de la planète finance pour tenter de les mettre en perspective...
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Planet Country with Big Stu & MJ

Planet Country Radio Show
Planet Country is the home of New Country in Australia. The show airs every Monday night at 6pm Sydney time on 99.9 FM and streaming worldwide on The Wolf Australia.
Planet Country is the home of New Country in Australia. The show airs every Monday night at 6pm Sydney time on 99.9 FM and streaming worldwide on The Wolf Australia The Planet Country Radio Show is Australia‘s only radio program dedicated to modern, crossover ‘New Country‘. The show kicked off in June 2014 and has been a huge success. The show holds media accreditation at various events including the biggest music festival in the southern hemisphere, the Tamworth Country Music Festival and the most popular country and roots festival in the southern hemisphere, CMC Rocks. In 2017 the show took home an Australian Country Music People’s Choice Award for Most Popular Radio Station or Program. It’s FRESH. It’s LOUD. It’s Music for a New Generation! Presented by Big Stu & MJ, the show regularly features interviews with Australian and international artists, new music, artist debuts and exclusive content. Big Stu and MJ keep it light with their hilarious comedy skits and signature discussions. Adding to the entertainment, MJ keeps you up to date on your favourite artists with his Social Media segment and Big Stu crowns a new ‘Song of The Week’ each show so you know which track to put on repeat all week long.
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I am Chris Hardwick. This podcast used to be called Nerdist. Now it is not. It is still basically just me talking about stuff and things with my two nerdy friends Jonah Ray and Matt Mira when they’re available, and usually someone more famous and smarter than all of us. Swearing is still fun, so we still do that occasionally. I hope you like this new iteration which is the same as before, but if a name hangs you up unhealthily I’m sure you will not hesitate to unfurl your rage not only in the ‘reviews’ section but also now on all the various social media platforms that have popped up since we started in 2010, effectively murdering blogs.
tous les 11 résultats